Helmut Lang Just Released a $320 Freezer Bag, and We Have Some Ideas For How to Use It
Real quick: what even is a freezer bag?

Listen, luxury comes at a cost. So, if you want to get a regular old Ikea tote, it'll set you back 99 cents. But if you want to carry around Balenciaga's spin on the classic blue bag, you'll need to part with $2,145. The same goes for freezer bags, folks! While the thick bags used to store leftovers usually go for around five dollars a box, you'll have to pay a little extra if you want Helmut Lang's freezer bag. And by "extra," we mean a cool $320.
To back up: The Austrian fashion label just put out its own version of the household accessory, and you can bet the bag has more visual appeal than your typical plastic zip-lock. Now, we mean no shade to zip-lock bags: we'll be taking ours out at lunchtime today! In fact, the classic, trusty freezer bag has never left us wanting, and we're pretty sure the average person with peas to freeze could live a whole, very satisfying life without any designer freezer swag.
But, wouldn't the bag be a nifty place to freeze something ultra special, like a few slices of leftover wedding cake? In fact, we're sure Queen Victoria would have gone for one, had she known her own cake would last for 176 years. And, this might make a swell wedding gift for the newly engaged LeeAnne Locken, who never shies away from a little shimmer. See, guys? There are possibilities here. (For people who have the a higher-than-average freezer-bag budget, that is.)
Note: This isn't the first time the brand has dabbled in high-low works of art. A Helmut Lang Trash Bag actually exists, and it goes for $495. We love a fashion label that has a sense of humor — as well as practical ideas for storage.