Brenda: Lindsay Loves Drama
Brenda gives her impression of Kat's pop-up email.
Well, that was a fun episode.
I needed to catch Kat up on what went down with Lindsay the night before. But like I said, I really don’t think enough about Lindsay to try to make up with her. I know I have to see her out, so just wanted to clear the air. Unfortunately, Lindsay thrives on drama and wouldn’t let it go. C’est la vie. I had a great 18-month review based on my work and not influenced by Lindsay speaking to my boss. So in the end, that is all that matters.
Ah, the pop-up. For any chef, doing a pop-up in L.A. is a tough task -- securing the space, planning the menu, selling tickets, etc. The fact that Nina is trying to pull it off in four days is unbelievable. I can see why she pulls us all in to help. When Kat sent out that email to her friends to support Nina’s pop-up, I received it and didn’t think anything was wrong with it. I knew it was Nina who was preparing the menu, so I guess I overlooked that Nina’s name wasn’t mentioned. I think her intention was to get more people there for Nina, so she sent it out to her extensive network connecting herself to the event, so they would want to attend. Nina’s name isn’t super well-known in the food community, so not sure if it would make a difference in getting people in the seats. Watching it, I do see how Nina could rightfully be upset. But once again, Lindsay is butting in because she loves drama. “She needs to be put in her place.” REALLY? By a cocktologist? Here we go again…
It was great seeing Waylynn prepare for the James Beard House dinner. I have had quite a few clients participate in those dinners, and it is a huge honor to cook there. It’s also great to see Jess get back out there. I think we all have had moments to wallow in self-doubt, but this episode really shows us all getting out there and killing it.
Speaking of getting out there, it was finally time I stopped working so hard and focus on my personal life, for once. Michael is the opposite of the typical chef types I meet in L.A. -- he’s suit-wearing, no-drinking, polite… Jess finally got it right. You can tell I was so nervous for the date, but it helped that I think he was too. Do I talk about things I probably shouldn’t? Of course. I take writers out to dinners all the time for work. I am constantly put in this situation. But for some reason, when it is personal instead of professional, I spazz out. Clearly my dorkiness was somewhat charming, since he agreed to come to the pop -p with me.
Back to the pop-up… I know Nina is under the wire to get this menu finalized, but there really is only one chance to make a first impression…
I hope you enjoyed this episode. Talk to me at @msbrendaurban on Twitter!