Kari, Classy or Trashy?
Mariah thinks Kari needs to do more than Google classy things to attain real class.
"Class is an aura of confidence that is being sure without being cocky. Class has nothing to do with money. Class never runs scared. It is self-discipline and self-knowledge. It's the sure-footedness that comes with having proved you can meet life" -- Ann Landers
With that being said Mrs. Kari is not classy. Class does not boast nor does it belittle, it just is. Class is effortless. Reading Google, Yahoo, or even Asking Jeeves about travel, wine or England does not make you classy Mrs Kari. #ThrowUpYourclassless
Like for some strange reason, Kari seems to believe that she gets an automatic promotion to Class Queen. Sorry hun, that is not the case, affirmative action does NOT apply in this circle of frienemies. As a matter of fact if Kari would do a few Google searches she would see, that amongst all these divas, she is the least educated, the least fashionable, least diplomatic, and least fiscally sound. #CheckYourEmail #Fax and please #AskJeeves.
Watching Episode 3 infuriated me. Her sitting in her polyester dress and plastered lips calling me classless, was merely a prick, because she is oblivious to what class is. It was clear Mrs. Kari was only trying to provoke me. #SideEye #EpicFail I'll admit that Kari looking in the camera (not at me) and saying I came from "nothing" was a smack in the face, tacky, disrespectful, trifling and classless.
What she fails to realize is, I had the best of everything! Love, respect, support, education, and necessities. Something she was obviously lacking, for her to bring up such vulgar things as "drinking a douche" at a wine tasting. Is that classy or trashy? Demeaning everyone around you, including your "charity case" husband, classy or trashy? What are you over compensating for Kari? Is it your lack of education, diminishing beauty, or lack of disposable income? I am sorry that you married a man with debt up to his ears, and that I married one with no student/medical loans! #Catchup #NoCharityHere
What do you want from me? A loan out of my degrees, internship at one of my companies? As I told you before you missed the deadline. Applications are only accepted the first week of August. With that being said please be happy that I still allow you to participate in this social circle. #PlayWithIt #MedicalMembership is about to be #Revoked!
At the end of the day as classless as Kari may pretend I am, she needed me to fund her husband's birthday party. So regardless of what she calls me, or what she projects, I was there when no one else was. Even after throwing two fabulous back to back parties I #pushedthru for her. I personally think both Kari and Jackie could use a refresher in humility and common curtesy. Saying a simple thank you when someone does some for you, or in honor of you (especially walking 30 miles) goes a long way.