10 Perfect Spring Dresses You'll Be Wearing Right Through August
And your perfect season-bridging frock can be had for $55!
I know it’s not a popular opinion, but if I’m honest I kind of hate spring.
Yes, I'm aware that the season has a lot of obvious plusses. The cherry blossoms blooming outside my door right now are really nice. The warmer weather is definitely better than winter’s doom and gloom. Add to this the fact that the sun no longer sets at 4:15 p.m and the season has plenty of potential — except for one major downside. Every year I (maybe like you!) find myself in the same panic-inducing quandary: What on earth am I going to wear?
The problem for me is that the stuff that’s appropriate right now usually won’t work even a few weeks down the road when the temperatures rise — and I have no desire to blow my spring/summer fashion budget transitional items with a super-short shelf-life.
But oh, I just remembered something: There's this item called the "spring dress." If you find the right one — like any of the 10 options ahead — it’ll take you to work tomorrow and then stay in heavy rotation right through August. You can top it with a light jacket on a brisker day, or rock it alone when it's scorching out.