Casey: Staying Away from "Mean Girls"
Casey reacts to the explosive vinedyard trip she missed.
Take the high road -- it has less traffic.
Wow… I had a feeling there was going to be a lot of drama at the winery and glad I had work and couldn’t go on this trip. It’s unfortunate that so much cruelty and yelling happened on a day where it was supposed to be fun.
Real friends are there for you, and I was happy to see that Chanel waited with Ashlee, especially since Ashlee and I have been there for Chanel from Day 1. It was hard watching Ashlee be so loyal to some of these girls when they lied to her face. Real friends don’t lie, don’t create drama, and don’t pee in the bushes on national TV. I’m sure the winery had a bathroom.
I remember this day so vividly. I was in the city getting ready for work, and first Ashlee called me, but I didn’t hear the phone. Then Chanel repeatedly called me, so I had a feeling something was wrong. When I answered, all I heard was both of them in hysterics. I was so upset and rustrated that I couldn’t be there to help them, learning that the other girls were being mean to them again. Obviously I’m not going to like these girls if I keep hearing how mean they are being. They are not real friends. It’s just a matter of time before everyone else sees and experiences this mean behavior firs-thand, if they haven’t already. You can only fool people for so long…. your true colors will eventually be shown.
Thank god for Leila. She totally understands why I don’t want to revert back to “high school.” I pride myself on being a very loyal friend, and the only reason I would ever get involved in such antics with all of the “princesses” would be to defend my friends. I told Ashlee and Chanel that if they want me to get involved, I will gladly do so. It’s upsetting to hear my friends being repeatedly hurt by others.
“Your own soul is nourished when you are kind, it is destroyed when you are cruel.” -King Solomon
I’m beyond grateful for all of your support. Would love to hear from you! Follow me on Twitter an Instagram: @CaseyLCohen, so we can talk Princesses and more.