Caroline Manzo Resolves to Ditch Resolutions

The Daily Dish

Caroline Manzo Resolves to Ditch Resolutions

NJ Housewife suggests you opt for a vision board instead.

By Rachel Stein

While the rest of us are busy making New Year's resolutions to lose weight, stop talking smack, and other vows we'll never keep, Caroline Manzo is taking a different approach: ditch the tradition.

The Real Housewives of New Jersey star tells Glo, "I never make a New Year's resolution. The simple reason is this: I never keep them. As a matter of fact, I know very few people who do."

This coming from a woman who drops dress sizes regularly and has a picture-perfect marriage. Caroline swears that resolutions are bound to fail, and instead spills her secret to year-long success: vision boards.

"Basically what you do is you get a piece of poster board and cut out pictures or phrases from magazines that inspire you and then paste them onto the board. Place it in a spot where you have to see it every day."

The Housewife says the positive energy can help with anything from job promotions to new cars to weight loss, explaining, "I know it sounds crazy, but it really does help to keep your goals and dreams in the forefront of your mind."

Sounds very new age (and very Dina Manzo), but what do you think? Can a vision board help you reach your goals? And what would you put on yours?

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