Shaquille O'Neal Used Spanking and a Special Guest to Beat Jimmy Fallon in a Lip Sync Battle

The Daily Dish

Shaquille O'Neal Used Spanking and a Special Guest to Beat Jimmy Fallon in a Lip Sync Battle

You do what you have to to win.

By Aimée Lutkin

Jimmy Fallon's Lip Sync Battle segment on The Tonight Show used to be fairly simple. Just celebrities lip syncing. What more do you need? Spike TV's show Lip Sync Battle, however, is a half hour complete with costumes, back-up dancers, and smoke machines. It’s quite the production, and perhaps it's inspired Jimmy to step up his musical game. On Monday night, the talk show host had Shaquille O’Neal on as a guest, and things escalated beyond the original bit’s intention pretty quickly.

Shaq invited a special guest to join him for his rendition of Bobby Brown’s “My Prerogative.” Actually, two special guests. The first was some woman he pulled from the audience whom he eventually shooed away. The second was none other than Pitbull, who looks incredibly tiny next to Shaq, as does everyone.

Next, Jimmy came out to sing "Beauty and the Beast" after a “quick costume change,” dressed up as some version of Ariana Grande on one half of his body, and John Legend on the other (although he kinda looks more like Gaston with that wig...). It doesn’t add much to the performance, but according to ancient lore, if Jimmy Fallon doesn’t dress up at least once an episode, he dies.

Shaq didn’t have costume for his final song so he settled for massaging, kissing, and spanking Jimmy while they dueted on "Don't Go Breaking My Heart." Suggestive sexuality stands in for showmanship once again, bringing Shaq the win. Imagine if this were a half hour long.

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