Top Chef B-Hive Buzz
Have a Top Chef B-Hive viewing party.
Top Chef is exciting, but we think it could use a little spice. What's the missing ingredient to the perfect TC viewing experience? A Bravo B-Hive. Hosting a Bravo B-Hive is a delicious way to watch your favorite foodie show with your fanatical TC friends.
So, how do you create a Bravo B-Hive in your own home? Just follow these handy-dandy steps!
1. Call your friends. Say, "Party. Wednesday. My place." They will cheer. Possible side effects: Feeling awesome and popular.
2. Visit B-Hive Party Ideas and plan some games for your guests. You can play Bravo Bingo, make Wednesday Sundaes (get it?), and test their kitchen savvy with an impromptu Quickfire Challenge!
3. Take pictures of the party and then post them on our site. Let America marvel at your unparalleled hosting capabilities. Plus, this is a prime opportunity to show off how much fun you and your friends are!
And that's it! Bravo B-Hive, three easy steps to hosting the most buzz-worthyTop Chef party in history. So what's on your plate for next Wednesday?
-Gretchen Hansen