Reco and Me
Danielle dishes on her less-than-stellar relationship with her partner.
I should have known it was going to be a rough week working with Reco when it started off with him freaking out screaming and disrespecting all of us because he wasn’t in the top and Haven finally was. I mean I was already getting sick of his insults and attitude but this put me over the edge and confirmed where I stand with my opinions of him. Don’t get me wrong; outside of this experience we could probably adore each other. We just really are not anywhere near the same page with our design ideals. Anyway, it was a recipe for disaster from the start. Two extremely strong personalities, two completely different design styles, and one big tension from the start. It started off badly with that damn Mini Challenge. I don’ t know how I let that frumpy ass outfit be our final presentation; it’s just so hard to meet in the middle with Reco. I learned my lesson about that for the second time when working with Reco on the main challenge. It felt like being back in a group with Merlin – the old Merlin from the first challenge. Granted a lot of the responsibility is mine to take, but with the lack of agreement, I felt like his silence is as much to blame as my failed risks. And for the record I did not hate my outfit or think it was horrible, there just had to be two top and two bottom groups and mine just wasn’t enough to make it to the top. Hearing Isaac and Veronica speak I was in a trance – I learned so much just being up there for a few minutes about working in the industry, understanding color, and about myself. Hopefully this is the turnover to a fresh week and fresh start. One with confidence and humility, risks, and refinement. It’s time to redeem myself because it will only get harder from here now that we are down to only seven! This next week will also be a chance to turn over a new leaf. Erase my prejudgments of my other contestants and learn about respect from bad examples.