Nobody's Perfect

Nobody's Perfect

Cynthia thinks all couples could benefit from counseling.

By Cynthia Bailey

Before I jump into 2012, I want to officially wrap up 2011. I was extremely busy with The Bailey Agency over the Christmas holidays and did not get the opportunity to write my blog. I usually never miss out on the opportunity to stay connected with you guys and clean up after all the mess. So because I feel guilty about not blogging about The Bailey Agency episode, I will do a quick recap to close out last year. Also, I love closure, and crossing things off my list makes me feel productive. In any case, I will try to keep it short, and sweet. Let's go!

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Merry Christmas! I hope all of you had a wonderful Christmas. Again, I was exceptionally busy with The Bailey Agency, so even though it was wonderful to be off for the holidays, I used most of my time to finish getting my school set up. I am also in the process of setting up The Bailey Agency's first big model search in Birmingham, Alabama. With so many applications pouring in from all over the world, I spent most of my days selecting potential students for my school. I am so blessed people have responded to my first big business venture with so much love and support. Having to review thousands of applications to attend The Bailey Agency is a great problem to have! However, my husband Peter did surprise me! Peter sent me away to an astonishing all inclusive spa for three days. I usually don't like surprises, but since I was beyond exhausted and in dire need of a massage, I made an exception. I spent three gorgeous days alone doing spa treatments, reading books, napping, and watching movies. It was incredible, and I felt reawakened! Thank you, Peter, for the gift of rejuvenation and peace! I love you for giving me exactly what I needed. As always, I am grateful.

Welcome to The Bailey Agency opening! The Bailey Agency opening got off to quite an emotional start, but it was a huge success! Lots of beautiful people, sushi, and cocktails! The room was filled with positivity. I want to thank all the girls for coming out to support me, as well as my family. It meant so much to me to have everyone there. It was the first time that Kim and NeNe were in the same space together since my wedding. With the exception of a small spat between Kandi and Marlo, everyone seemed to have a great time.

Then of course, there was my "Where is Peter Thomas?" moment. OK, let me bring some clarity to that situation, before I officially close out 2011. Peter Thomas was the one that spent most of his day setting up everything up for The Bailey Agency opening. He made sure that everything was beautiful and perfect. I was happy that he took the time to help me out, because managing Bar One is a full-time job. Between bouncing back and forth between The Bailey Agency and Bar One, he was exhausted. At one point he stepped out to check on something at Bar One and was MIA during my thank you speech. Of course, when he returned the speech was over and the rest is history. My only issue with Peter was that he should have communicated to me that he had to step out and would be right back. Communication is key! It eliminates the unnecessary drama and senseless confusion. I was so busy entertaining my guests that I honestly did not notice that he had left. Had I been informed, I would have waited for him to get back. Or I could have at least expressed to everyone that he had to step away for a moment. No drama, end of story. This was my big day, and Peter was very excited for me. He is my number one supporter. Moving on.

Happy New Year! I bid reflectively farewell to 2011, and warmly embrace 2012 with open arms! One of my New Year’s resolutions is to bless others because I am so blessed. I have more resolutions, but this one means the most to me. I thank God for allowing me to live to see a new year. I have so much to be thankful for, and I take nothing for granted. This includes life itself. God give me the strength and courage to be a better mother, wife, daughter, sister, friend, and human being. I welcome life's challenges and will do my best to rise to the occasion every time. I declare 2012 to be a year for greatness, prosperity, and love for all! Let's make it the best one yet! Last but not least, date night! Spending time with your significant other is very important. However, taking the time to make it happen can be a struggle for any parent with a full time job. Peter and I both have been working hard on our new businesses, which has not left much time for date night. All you can do is try right? Peter signed us up for salsa lessons, and even though there didn't appear to be any dancing going on, we had a much needed conversation about communication. We all know that this is super important in any relationship, so I won't bore you with a Communications 101 course! The great outcome of date night for us was acknowledging that neither one of us had all the answers regarding our issues. We needed to bring in a third party. So we decided to seek counseling from Pastor Pollard. He was the pastor that married us, and we both welcomed his advice. After talking with the pastor, Peter and I both left the church with a sense of encouragement, enlightenment and support. I would recommend any married couple to consider marriage counseling. Any marriage can benefit from the spiritual support. People are not perfect, and most marriages are not perfect. I don't want to change, or expect Peter to change. We are who we are. I just want us to be better than we are. We love each other and this is a fight worth fighting for. 

Love you guys!






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