Here's Stephanie Hollman in a Bathtub Welcoming You to #RHOD Season 2
Because why not.
Last time we saw Stephanie Hollman, she was calling out LeeAnne Locken at The Real Housewives of Dallas Season 1 reunion - and based on this extra special sneak peek, it doesn't look like she'll be stopping for Season 2. But before the new Season officially kicks off August 14th at 10/9c, Stephanie has a special message for you from the girls' trip - from a bathtub in Mexico?! Please, watch above.
Sounds like this trip to Mexico is a bit overwhelming for Stephanie, who'd rather be having a drink-o or a swim-o in this tub-o with her hubby Travis. What's driving Steph to champs and bubbles? We can only imagine. Could it have something to do with the rift with former bestie Brandi Redmond like we saw in the Season 2 trailer? Or maybe it's from that boat ride well she, go ahead and take a look:
Be sure to tune into all the Dallas drama Monday August 14th at 10/9c!