Why Did LeeAnne Come Back to the Couch?
"I have never had a problem facing anyone on the Mean Girls couch — even our seventh housewife, Mark," says LeeAnne.

Welcome back, y’all, to RHOD, or shall I say, “The Rodeo Housewives of Dallas.” Finally, we’ve come to the end of our ride this season. Hooves are getting restless, and it’s time for one last ride in the arena of judgment. So let’s just call it what it is…LAST CALL FOR DRAMA!
Once again, I would like to let everyone know (officially) that I left because I was told it was a closed set. I have never had a problem facing anyone on the Mean Girls couch — even our seventh housewife, Mark. I came back to do exactly what I said I wanted to do: to get this damn day over with!
After watching the footage of Mark's communication with his wife and child throughout the season, I can agree with his statement that he and Cary are aggressive and sarcastic. It seems to be a point of accepting each other as this and moving forward, something that has not happened between Cary and myself. I don’t take well to aggressive/sarcastic people, so this looks like one hell of hurdle to me. Oh wait, I ran hurdles in high school. LOL!
It was beyond frustrating that as I was trying to apologize to Mark, Cary just wanted to fight. I think a better word for it is “exhausting.” Even Mark dismissed her attack, so apparently, I’m not the only one who finds her “exhausting.”
Here’s a major news flash: what I said about what I heard about Mark had WAY more to do with a married man having an affair than it ever did about WHO the affair was with. I offer a tremendous amount of financial, physical, and emotional support raising awareness for organizations like Legacy Counseling, Aids Services Dallas, The Resource Center, The Trevor Project, GLAAD, and Aids Outreach Center. I was just at the Black Tie Dinner this weekend with over 3,000 other supporters and allies. So Mark and Cary trying to twist this back on me is just unacceptable.
Stephanie saying that I should never have said anything about Mark is probably the most hypocritical thing I’ve heard. Especially considering that she sat in the very first episode and read the ‘Blog of Bullshit’ about a police report that was never investigated because it never happened. This happens every year, Stephanie. You accuse me and condemn me of the exact same s--- you’ve done. Maybe you need to dust off the mirrors in your own house first! Does anyone else feel the urge to fast forward through her speaking?
Cary said, “I feel terrible for saying that and ever going that low. I did it in REACTION.” That is EXACTLY what I have been saying — It’s. A. Reaction. But don’t worry, I know that forgiveness is a one-way street, and it isn’t headed towards me — only FROM me.
When Andy asked if we can “get past this” to both of us, I loved how Cary’s reply was to make it all about herself, while my response was to call myself out on my portion of it.
Fact: Brandi has known her information about Cary and Mark since last year’s reunion, so when I said she told me some of it, and then she tried to deny it at the reunion (“No I didn’t!”), well that was just a complete lie. Brandi had discussed some of it with me, though she had never revealed the “nanny” portion of her information to me.
It seems so easy for them to “forgive” each other while they continue to sit in silent judgment over me. Oh well. That has been and always will be their PATTERN towards me. Let’s all grab a drink before we move into the Master Blame Game.
HOLD THE PRESS! Did Cary just say, “You didn’t manipulate me at all!” Because let’s flashback to the season finale when she said I smirked at her and “got her.” Did I or didn’t I? Do you see why I lose my ever-loving mind with these three? The contradictions in this group are so numerous that they can’t keep one story straight in their own minds.
And poor little Brandi couldn’t even stay focused long enough to actually contribute correctly to the conversation, so when I called her out, her response was her go-to: "Okay, bitch." Eye roll. Did she even read the dictionary D’Andra gave her?
Now let’s get into the most confusing portion of the evening. Can someone please create a transcript from the moment Stephanie starts to blame me for Brandi’s behavior? Her back-and-forth/flip-flop testimony is...complete mud.
Andy: “Do you feel like Brandi’s behavior is influenced by LeeAnne?”
Steph: “I do!” ……Then, all the way to the point where Steph says, “I’m not saying it’s your fault.”
Okay, can someone PLEASE pass the Dramamine? My head is spinning!
Let’s get to the final knife in my back. Brandi said that there is no future for us, all while I was giving her grace. In that scene, I expressed my pain, and she followed it up with ageism as her reason why I can’t change. Sorry to tell all of you audience members over 50, but apparently, there is no hope for us according to Brandi. Is there an age cut off for being human? Or become a better one? I guess so.
Roses and Thorns.
I could honestly see myself standing in a garden of charred ground, and I am the one who burned it down. You see, I have been and always will be my own thorn. Or, as I have called it most of my life, my own worst enemy. It is a blessing to have Rich as my ROSE because what I said is true: “I don’t often think much of myself, so it’s nice that he does.” I will leave you with that gem of truth.
I have shown you all of me this season, and I have held nothing back. I pray that it finds those who needed it and strengthens you, guides you, or gives you hope because, at the end of the day, we are all just seeking to be accepted.
Sending you all my love as I ride off into the sunset,