Joanna and Sandy
Karent's waiting out the hurricane with Joanna in NYC.
I am writing the blog from New York, as I sit here with Joanna seeing the wind and rain blowing from our window. Poor Joanna is freaking out because she has never been through a hurricane, and she is like a scared 2-year-old. This is why we are such great friends, we complement each other perfectly. She is strong when it comes to personal attacks and attacks on people she loves, but then I am the strong one comforting her and letting her know everything will be alright during this hurricane.
Now you all had the opportunity to see the second part of Lisa's lingerie party. Joanna had received a text that Joe Francis was coming to the party while Lisa, Joanna, and I were upstairs in her bedroom getting ready before the party started. She explained how he would spread lies about supposedly sleeping with her many years ago every time that he would see her at a party. Before you see me asking him directly if he had slept with her, I had already heard him spreading those rumors to someone at the party, I wasn't sure if I heard correctly, and I would hate to accuse someone of saying something if I wasn't completely sure. I had already gone up to Joanna once and mentioned that I wasn't positive, but that I was pretty sure that I heard him saying just exactly the same lies that she had mentioned to me before about sleeping with him. I just wanted to make her aware, since she is my friend, but made sure to tell her I wasn't 100% positive. No more than 10 minutes had passed when once again he is bragging about supposedly sleeping with both Krupa sisters. That is when I knew that my ADD hadn't kicked in, LOL. I could not allow him to continue with those lies about someone I care about. So, then you see me asking him once again to be triple sure of what I heard. Joanna appreciated the fact that I came up to her right away to tell her, the same way I would've appreciated someone telling me.
Adriana once again decides to pull out an article that some reporter had written about me when I met her at a party. I never consented to an interview, nor did I know she was a reporter. The only thing truthful in that article was that I said, when questioned about the other women, "I would kill them with kindness." Joanna and I have become very close, and we have shared conversations that we would always "have each other's backs." That is the reason she walked over to see what was going on once she heard Adriana screaming at me. Adriana immediately started screaming at Joanna telling her to leave. Why is it OK for Alexia to walk in uninvited into a conversation between Adriana and me, but then she immediately starts yelling at Joanna to leave? Seems like she carries double standards at her convenience. Was there something in the water that night, not sure, but with so much craziness, it sure felt like it.
Adriana seems to always say, "Karent, Karent, Karent," whether it’s to pick a fight or stir the pot, kind of reminds me of a revised version of "The Brady Bunch."
I am signing off now because we are on the 16th floor of the Bowery Hotel at a friend's apartment, and we are actually feeling the building move. My prayers are with everyone, and I hope everyone will be OK through this hurricane.
Many blessings to all, and please follow me on Twitter @karentsierra.
Until next time…