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A Little Perspective

Kathy shares a positive experience that came out of being on the show.

By Kathy Wakile

I hope everyone had a Happy Father’s Day!

Sorry this blog is getting to you so late. I had an amazing weekend with my family and some truly inspiring people at the 2nd Annual Brain Tumor Society Walk NYC on Governor’s Island, so I guess time got away from me.

Upon reflection of last week’s episode I began to think... The focal point of the episode is the contradictions and the contradictory behavior that led to the demise of Jacqueline and Teresa’s relationship.

I will do my best to keep this brief but to the point.

The bottom line is that Jacqueline addressed something we were all feeling. If any one of us spoke to Teresa personally, she would say one thing. Then we would be in a grocery store buying coffee and tomatoes, and you see this wild headline with her and her family on it saying they may be going to jail or whatever the latest story was. Can you imagine how you would feel if that headline was about a family member or friend of yours? It was very upsetting.

It's Frickin' Jealousy!
I am now, and always have been, a loyal family member. I can honestly say that I understand why Jacqueline was feeling worried and concerned for Teresa and her family. It’s what we were all feeling. Teresa would tell us all one thing  and then the press would say something completely different. It’s very confusing. Wouldn’t you all be confused too? The only crazy one here is the person trying to get all of the people around her and the public as whole to believe that when a magazine puts your words in quotes you didn’t really say it and have no control over it. That’s nonsense -- own what you say and do.

I am a proud woman and I will never let anyone hold something over my head, so once and for all, Teresa, I did not ever go behind your back or actively peruse any position on this show. I resent the fact that you continuously put out false stories to the press to try and convince anyone otherwise.

I have lived through many difficult situations in my life, from losing my father-in-law suddenly to watching my father suffer and loose his long battle with lung cancer. Shortly after that was the most difficult time in my life -- when my daughter was diagnosed with a brain tumor. These trials surely put things in perspective. I pray to God that no one should go through such a rough patch like that in their lives. The most important things are not things.

On Saturday my daughter and I led the walk for the National Brain Tumor Society. Among those walking were families that lost their loved ones to brain tumors, others were walking and living everyday with their tumors. There were others that are fortunate like my daughter, Victoria, who are brain tumor survivors and thrivers. We shared our stories and cried and hugged one another. That is what is truly important in this world, human connection. I’m proud to say that this year serving as honorary chair of the 2nd Annual Brain Tumor  Walk NYC, we had over 1,850 participants, a 50% increase from last year, and we raised $455,000 so far and are expected to reach $500,000 by the time the tallies are complete for research towards finding a cure. That’s a great increase from last year’s $320,000.

My involvement with this foundation came out of a simple tweet from a viewer. Jay Helms volunteers endless hours to NBTS. He saw the episode on Bravo where we shared Victoria’s triumph. After working together the past several months, Jay has become part of our family. Great things can come from reality TV. This is honestly one of the things I am most proud of -- when you open up and share your stories. Thank you Bravo TV and Sirens Media along with Purveyors of Pop for encouraging us to share Victoria’s story!  

That’s all for now, another big week ahead. Victoria is graduating high school in a few days, so I need to go stock up on some tissues.

Have a good week!

As always, you can catch up with me on my website and through my newsletter at www.kathywakile.com, on Facebook, and Twitter @KathyWakile @RichardWakile @VictoriaWakile @JosephWakile @RosiePierri.

Red Velvet Cosmo is now available throughout New Jersey, Florida, and Connecticut wherever spirits are sold.

Lots of Love,
Kathy xoxo

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