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Like a Light

Ramona is ready for Aviva to switch back to her old self.

By Ramona Singer

Sonja is ready to let go of the past and grab onto the future. Removing the painting of her ex-husband from her home symbolizes that. You could feel the pain of Sonja realizing she had to let go and move forward. Divorce is always hard and it takes so much strength to get through it. I haven’t gone through this and LuAnn has. She showed such a warm, kind, compassionate side of herself with Sonja. I am happy LuAnn was there for Sonja to give her the support and understanding she needed. This was a healing process for Sonja and I am confident she will find someone very special in her life.

How to Watch

Watch the Season 15 premiere of The Real Housewives of New York City on October 1st at 9/8c on Bravo and stream next day on Peacock.

I just loved the scene between Carole and Mario. True Faith Jewelry is a Singer family business that crosses generations. They produce awards, medals, jewelry. Amazing pieces! Mario was thrilled to be able to help Carole get some trophies made for her ping pong charity event and they came out awesome! Its always great when your friends and significant other get along and I really enjoyed watching Carole and Mario interact and work together in his office.

I grew up in a home with domestic violence. So many victims are afraid to speak because they are afraid of the judgments. Domestic violence crosses all races and classes. I have tried to give it a voice whenever I can. I decided to raise money for a NYC shelter that takes in women and children who are victims of domestic violence. I set it up as a ladies luncheon, women supporting women. There was a fashion show showing Kimberly Towers’ designs, wine, hors d’oeuvres, and a pretty glass bowl set up where everyone could put their donations.

Ramona Takes on Aviva's Dad

I was very surprised to see George there. Isn’t everyone a little taken back when an uninvited guest shows up? But, I have always gotten along with George, so even though I felt it odd for him to be there I welcomed him with a hug and warm greetings. That wasn’t enough for George because he had an agenda. He claimed he came to donate thousands of dollars. As Aviva said in her interview with a smirk, she could have just mailed the checks. She knew what her father would do. Not only did he start yelling and demanding apologies but he was taking attention away from the cause! This lunch was about women supporting women, helping those in need. George made it about himself and Aviva. He made it a huge scene. I wanted to just walk away because this wasn’t what the afternoon was about. Then he grabbed my arm with a hard pinch to keep my attention. He hurt me and he was trying to force me into a situation I didn’t want to be in.

I thanked George for the donations and showed him the bowl to place them in but he wouldn’t. He wanted apologies for Aviva. This was not the time or place. He used those checks as an excuse to show up which is pretty revolting. Of course, in the end the donations were not rejected and I accepted them. They donated $500. The same I donated to Aviva’s cause.

George Gets Kicked Out

I did not have two burly bodyguards carry a weak eighty year old man out of an event. Does George strike anyone as someone who can’t fend for himself? I asked him to leave over and over and over again. When he didn’t, I asked the hired servers if they would not mind escorting him out. I would do it again. His behavior was completely out of line. Plus, it was a ladies lunch! I have to apologize to the shelter (who for privacy reasons and the protection of the women staying there ask not to be named) for what that event became. It was supposed to be positive and bring a voice and light to a cause and it turned negative and about people it shouldn’t have been about. It was really difficult to watch and relive.

When Aviva called me to meet her for breakfast I for sure thought she wanted to clear the air and have us be in a good place again. I wanted the pre St. Barth’s Aviva back, not the A-diva who showed up.

I have never encountered anyone in my life with so many phobias and anxieties. Does Aviva use these anxieties and phobias to excuse herself from being so mean? Who speaks with such vile words!? What happened to the Aviva who said, “Say what you mean, but don’t be mean"?

I was sincerely hoping that at our meeting we would get to a better place. Harry (Aviva's ex-husband) and I have been friends for years, long before I knew Aviva. I called Harry to see if he could give me some better insight into Aviva. I really wasn’t understanding any of her behavior towards me in St. Barth’s. I apologized twice already and that was clearly not working.

I really wanted to mend the fences with her. I know I am not perfect and I too can overreact in a situation. I just did not want this to go any further. Life is too short to hold onto ill will and anger for long periods of a time. Entering the hotel to meet Aviva, I really did not know which one I would encounter. So, to brace myself, the sunglasses went on.

Nothing in the entire world could have prepared me for her tirade on me. You can be angry but don’t be hurtful. You can be upset with me but please no name-Calling. I could not believe the anger that was being directed at me. At some moments, it was much worse than anger. There was hate in her eyes.

Calling Out Each Others' Vices

It’s as if Aviva became a snake full of venom and vile words, that were lies nonetheless. No one can say that I ran away from Aviva. I just sat there and took her non-stop abuse. Part of me was in shock. I was frozen in my chair. I was hoping this would stop and quickly. I was thinking maybe she worked like a light. As quickly as you turn a light switch on, she would just switch and become the Aviva I first knew.

None of this happened. There was nothing more for me to do but exit.

I’m off to Hazlet, NJ today for an appearance at the Wine Academy tonight! Always check for appearance news, exclusive videos and a chance to corner me on ‘Ask Ramona’! I have a great newsletter coming out later today so be sure to sign up!

Til next time!

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