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Vicki Gunvalson: What a Difference a Year Makes

Vicki remarks on how different her birthday was a year ago and what she thinks could easily resolve this argument between all the ladies.

By Vicki Gunvalson
Vicki Gunvalson's Birthday Party Is Full of Drinking and Golfing

Welcome back to episode #7.

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I was really excited to take the girls golfing for my birthday, as I thought it would be something fun to do. My last year’s birthday party at my house was incredible to have so many people come to celebrate with me, but not having Tamra and Shannon there was hard. This year, I was so excited to have both of them with me, which made me so happy.

Little to my surprise, I really wasn’t expecting on drinking while golfing at 9am, but I guess that is the “norm.” Now I know why it takes so long to golf, as the beer/alcohol cart lady seems to be at every hole. Steve got me golf clubs for Christmas, and I really want to start to golf more, so as we get older we have something we can do together no matter where we travel to.

I laughed when I heard Tamra say she loves me so much that if she had a “pe**s” she would bone me. My what a difference a year makes. I love our friendship, and I love laughing with her again. Thanks T for the affirmation. You know how much I love those, and coming from you it makes it even more special.

Tamra and I definitely were over the legal limit of drinking that day. I only had one bloody mary, but it was a double shot, which really makes you realize how fast you can get drunk when you have those breathalyzers to test. Good thinking, Tamra.

Don't Even F---ing Blame It On Me, Shannon Beador

Now onto this disagreement/discussion regarding Shane/Emily and Gina. Although I wasn’t at Emily’s house after the poker party when Shane asked Gina to be quiet and that it was time to go home, he probably was justifiable in doing that. It has gotten blown way out of proportion saying Emily is in an abusive marriage. It is just wrong how anyone could take that situation and formulate it to be anything more than what it was.

In my opinion, Emily had every right to defend her husband, because he wasn’t there to defend himself. I think this all could have been avoided if Emily didn’t bring it up and also if Gina called the next day to apologize to Shane. That’s it. Nothing more should have come from this! Stay tuned on that…wishful thinking.

I know that most of you are winding down from your summer travels and preparing your kids to go back to school. It reminds me of the days when Mike and Briana were still living at home and looking forward to their new school year and all the work that went into getting them ready.  Now Briana is going through that with Troy and Owen. Troy is going to be six already this month, and Owen just turned 4, and they start school tomorrow.  My only advice to you would be to embrace these years, because they do go by so fast.

Lastly, I hope that you are enjoying the season so far. We still have a lot more events, trips, and a few more disagreements, which will be played out for the next 11-13 weeks. For those of you that have visited my website for your life insurance needs, we thank you. Looking forward to helping as many people as we can with this very important type of coverage at www.cotoinsurance.com




Follow me on Instagram @vickigunvalson

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