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Watching What Happens
Vicki Gunvalson describes her romantic getaway with husband Donn!
When I say I'd like to be "courted," I think that is something that all women can relate to. I think after you have been married for a while, you tend to take each other for granted. I love it when Donn surprises me with a card that says how proud he is of me, or he surprises me with a dinner date night. It renews the feelings you have for one another and I think that is great. Donn is really good with making me feel "special" and he knows that I need that in our marriage.
I was so shocked when Donn surprised me with our trip to Catalina. I had never been to Catalina and it was amazing to see him plan a trip away together. This was the first time he actually planned an entire trip by himself for us (without me getting involved). He did a great job and we had a really fun time together.
I loved the fact that Donn planned the trip! I am so used to doing everything on my own, that when he did it made it even more fun. I usually have the stress of planning everything — so going on a weekend getaway trip was more special because I didn't have to worry about a thing!
There always seems to be drama with Slade and Jo, so the fact that Slade showed up with a date really had no bearing on my party. I was more upset that they showed up two hours late than I was about anything else. They are both great friends of mine — I just hope they are happy with whatever decision they make.
Getting down to the last blogs, I have to say that I loved being a cast member of this show and becoming such good friends with my cast members. It has provided me an opportunity to grow my business and to take a good hard look at my personality and my life in a different light. Life is good, my family is healthy and happy and I look forward to what life has in store for me.
In the beginning of the season, I said that I really wish that I could just sell it all and travel more. Donn and I are actually in the "serious talking" stages of possibly selling our home, and buying another home in the area. Jeana found us the most amazing home, on the golf course, that would be perfect for us. We should know by the end of the week if we are going to go through with it, and if so...there will be a lot of changes for us. We would be downsizing a little, but would allow us to have NO MORTGAGE and to do what we want in life without having the stress of a house payment. Watch to see what happens!