A Better Place

A Better Place

Heather reflects on the Costa Rica trip and Tamra's engagement, and teases her name-changing party.

By Heather Dubrow

Sorry I haven't blogged in a while. It's been pretty crazy around here! We were traveling (business), filmed the reunion (yikes!), and Terry and I celebrated our anniversary (AMAZING get away with @drdubrow)!

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The best news is -- the kids are finally done with school today! Yeah! I love summer! We are taking the family on a much needed vacation next week -- can't wait!

So, about the last few episodes. . .

It's hard for me to discuss Costa Rica because we have just filmed the reunion and I think everyone should watch that and then I will explain my thoughts and actions better. Here is a little teaser. . .

We all actually had a lot of fun despite the tension. I haven't been on a girls' trip since before I was married -- and I rarely leave my children -- so this was a big deal for me to go on this adventure.

I spent a lot of time with Gretchen. We had massages and drinks. I really enjoyed hanging out with her.

Vicki was a bit mercurial. Very emotional. But honestly, with everything she had been dealing with -- who could blame her? I really like Vicki, and after the harrowing rafting experience we are bonded for life!

Tamra is always fun. She is such a daredevil! I wish I had more of that in me! I was proud of myself for taking the risks that I did -- but watching Tamra go upside down on that zip line, jeez! She is a STUD!

Then there is Alexis. We'll cover a lot of this at the reunion, so again I'll be brief here. My general thought is she acts like two different people. I can't sit back and watch someone treat other people poorly. However, there is never a reason to gang up on someone. It wasn't my intention. The message of our dinner conversation was appropriate, and I believe my delivery was in a conversational fashion. The discussion got out of hand. I have apologized to Alexis for that. I am very against bullying of any kind. That doesn't negate the content of what was said. . .

Of course, you will hear more of this at the reunion.

On a brighter note Alexis, Tamra and I had drinks together in Costa Rica, and had a great time. THAT is the Alexis that I want to know. I explained all that in her room the day after the "intervention" dinner (which you saw). I went to her room the next day to make sure she was OK.

Anyway, I feel at the end of the trip that everyone is in a better place.

I'm so grateful for the experience . The hotel (Si Como No) was lovely, as was the food! Yes, Claro Que Seafood. . .still chuckling about that one even if the girls didn't get it.

Moving on to this weeks episode. . .

Tamra and Eddie get engaged! So exciting! What an amazing trip! Tamra called me from Bora Bora, and I was THRILLED for them. Terry and I are fond of Tamra and Eddie. They are great together and we wish them all the luck and love in the world! I get dibs on throwing the bridal shower!

THE CAKE!!! I am so excited for my name changing party! I know this may seem silly, but I'm someone who celebrates life. I love holidays and parties and spending time with my family and friends. This is the PERFECT occasion! So I wanted a fabulous cake to symbolize my new last name.

Timore always has the best ideas,, and Cinderella Cakes make the most beautiful and delicious cakes (BTW, I paid for the cake. This isn't an ad for them; it's just the truth!) I loved the idea of edible diamonds! I was SO excited when I left the shop.

Who knew an innocent trip to the fabulous Cinderella Cakes would start something so big! Wait until you see what happens to the cake! The final two episodes take place in our home. It's going to get crazy -- and some of it is shocking ! Stay tuned!

Finally, I want to say a big HAPPY FATHER'S DAY to all the dads, uncles, and grandpas out there -- especially to my amazing husband Terry. I love you Honyi! Thank you for being a wonderful father to our four amazing children!

Follow me on Twitter @heatherdubrow (I'm a little obsessed with Twitter). Like me on Facebook (still don't understand how to use), and check out my website HeatherDubrow.com.

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