Briana and Ryan Culberson After 107-Pound Weight Loss: "If You're Hungry on Keto, You're Doing it Wrong"
The Real Housewives of Orange County daughter and son-in-law have lived their Keto journey on Instagram.
Briana and Ryan Culberson have lost a combined 107 pounds on the Keto diet over the last year, and Ryan has used Instagram to show off their successes and offer Keto inspiration and information all along.
The Real Housewives of Orange County son-in-law recently took to the platform to proudly show off the results of his wife's "Keto transformation" — noting that she looks like a "hot mom" even in her hospital scrubs these days.
Fans and followers took to the comment section to register their compliments — and questions.
One asked, "Do you eat as much as you like on Keto or do you monitor the amount even if it's low carb?"
To that, Ryan responded, "We believe that if you're hungry on Keto, you're doing it wrong. We don't weigh our meals or count calories — just focused on eating the proper things."
Ryan also regularly uses his Instagram to share recipes that work for the family — including a five-minute grab-and-go Keto meal; an all-ages crowd-pleasing pasta alternative for the whole family; and Keto blueberry muffins that Ryan says "will change your world."
Here's what celebs have said about the controversial Keto diet: