Robyn: I Didn't Get to Say What I Really Wanted to Say
Robyn opens up about a childhood memory and weighs in on the butt-grabbing incident. Why do you feel it is important to have your kids play with Gizelle’s girls?
Robyn Dixon: I think the easiest way for me to explain this is to tell a quick story. My brother and I grew up privileged and were able to attend the best private schools in Baltimore, often being just one of a few black kids in our schools. I will never forget the day that my brother came home from school, devastated and crying because his best friend (who was Caucasian) called him the N-word when they had a small disagreement. He was so hurt and shocked and instantly lost a friend that he had spent almost every day with. That was a very difficult time for my brother, but fortunately he had other friends--young black boys with similar backgrounds and shared experiences--that he could lean on for strength and comfort. I pray that my children will never have to experience what my brother did, but it is because of those experiences that I think it is very important for them to have strong relationships with other black children, while fully enjoying life in a diverse world. How were you feeling going into the “come to Jesus” lunch considering your confrontation with Ashley and Katie?
RD: The dramatic confrontation with Katie and Ashley at Charrisse’s birthday party left mass confusion, so much unsaid, and an awful taste in my mouth. Going into the “come to Jesus” lunch, I was very hopeful that we could all speak openly with each other and resolve our issues in a respectful way. I didn’t understand the attack on my racial identity, and clearly Katie and Ashley didn’t understand my question about Michael’s butt grabbing and took it the wrong, unintended way. We had a lot to clear up and move on from! What were you thinking when Karen said Ashley needed to procreate?
RD: I was not ready for the words that were coming out of Karen’s mouth when she went after Ashley! That was definitely the first time I had ever heard the words “ejaculate” and “procreate” uttered at a nice lunch between such classy ladies, haha. Karen must have practiced that line for like three days because she delivered it with such ease, conviction, and enthusiasm! Tell us about your confrontation with Katie over the butt grab incident and her words that you are stupid? Did your feel your beef was squashed by the end of the luncheon?
RD: I don’t even know what to say about my confrontation with Katie over the butt-grabbing incident. I had hoped to have a simple conversation with her but instead it went from bad to all over the place to childish and just flat out confusing. I didn’t get to say what I really wanted to say and just decided it’s a losing effort trying to reason with an adult who calls people “stupid.”