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Candiace: I Have No Regrets on My First Season as a Housewife of Potomac

Except for this one: "Chris and I both said afterward that we regret that neither of us spoke up on Karen and Ray’s behalf in the moment" at the Reunion. Hear her thoughts on Michae Darby's accusations now. 

By Candiace Dillard Bassett
It's Househusband vs. Househusband at the RHOP Reunion

Bravotv.com: What were you thinking when Chris asked about the EveryHue card?

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Candiace DillardMy huuuusband has always had great comedic timing! I was cracking up when he asked about the Hue card! What’s better is, it doesn’t really matter what color it is, it’s alllll mine!

Bravotv.com: What do you think about his response toAndy Cohen asking about your “lowering your expectations on life” comment?

CD: I think Chris handled the question well. I honestly resent that the question was posed that way because I never insinuated that I had lowered my standards, only that I needed to make an adjustment in the future I saw for myself. EVERY young woman walks (or should) into a relationship with goals. I am no different. I would also venture to say that no woman in her right mind would willingly volunteer to fall in love with a divorced father of three. Again, I was no different. We all want the “ideal” situation for ourselves, myself included. Being with a divorcee with children is work. There are elements of drama. It’s not always the smoothest transition. And this is on top of managing the general challenges of being in a regular relationship. The beauty of our lives together is that Chris and I work daily and diligently to find balance in all of it — the good, the bad and the dramatic.

Bravotv.com: What did you think about this exchange between Ray, Karen Huger, and Michael.

CD: I was honestly disgusted and supremely taken aback at Michaels behavior toward Karen and Ray. Where I was raised, a man wouldn’t dare address another man’s wife in the disrespectful and denigrating fashion Michael chose to. It speaks to character and lack of tact and I was blown away. Chris and I both said afterward that we regret that neither of us spoke up on Karen and Ray’s behalf in the moment. We were both just so shocked and didn’t want to insert ourselves unnecessarily into another couple's personal affairs. Hopefully, Michael has learned his lesson as the Hugers won that war effortlessly.

Bravotv.com: Tell us about the moment you broke down at the end of the episode talking about the sisterhood – what made you shed a few tears?

CD: Siiiighhhh. How did I make it ALL the way to the end of the reunion without shedding one (personal) tear only to blow it?! I was honestly so emotional from witnessing Karen’s breakdown about her parents and then Monique Samuels’s break down about losing her baby that by the time I was reviewing the whole evening in my final thoughts, I was a mess! Sitting on that couch with those women and reviewing the ebbs and flows of the season with all of the ladies, I just realized how grateful I was for the experience and for the friendships. I really connected with Karen and Monique and will forever be grateful for their kindness to me in coming into this crazy group. They really had my back, and I theirs. I just appreciated at that moment that we were all together and we had made it to the end!

Bravotv.com: What are your final thoughts on the season?

CD: If I had to sum up the season in one word: WHEW.
I purposely entered into this very unique and special experience with no expectations. I wanted to be a sponge and take it all in. I wanted to allow room for seeds to be planted, watered and for friendships to grow organically. As we all saw, some seeds flourished beautifully into friendships and others are still stuck in the ground, honey (lol). As I look over it all, though, I have no regrets because for better or for worse, Candiace was Candiace fully and completely. I’m proud of myself for standing my ground when I did, for listening and growing when it was necessary. And most of all, I’m proud that I was able to challenge not only myself but the whole of this group of amazing women to be open to someone new: she may have been a little different, a little more colorful, a little louder and a little more emotional at times but she was present! She was fabulous! And she has no regrets :)

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