Week 1: Mandy

Week 1: Mandy

Check out what Mandy was eating this week. 

TUES 3.23.10


2 1/4 mile walk

Exercise w Jackie out back (10 mins)

Stuck to diet

WED 3.24.10

Stuck to diet

Worked out w craig at the gym

2 mile walk w/ husband

THURS 3.25.10

Walked 2 miles with husband

Ate clean/healthy most of the day

Struggled at PF Changs – cheated a little bit

FRI 3.26.10

Stuck to diet

Epic workout w/ Jackie

No struggles

SAT 3.27.10

Both stuck to diet and did not work out (Therapy day)

SUN 3.28.10

Stuck to diet

Baseline workout

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