Episode 6: Cold War 17 photos Next GalleryEpisode 3: Capitol Grill 9476976 From foie gras to duck testicles, the majority of the animal kingdom is on display for the judges as they walk into the quickfire. 9476981 Gulp. 9476986 Andrea is crestfallen when guest judge and Miami nemisis Michelle Bernstein is announced as guest judge. 9476991 Padma and Michelle can't wait to get their hands on some duck balls. 9476996 Angelo has the balls to cook the duck balls. 9477001 Tiffany scrambles to complete her dish. 9477006 Amanda finally breaks open her ostrich eggs, but what now? 9477011 Alex is bummed that he's stuck with the ostrich. 9477016 Andrea is letting Michelle's presence get into her head and her food. 9477021 Can Tiffany take the heat? 9477026 Who knew duck tongues could be so good? 9477031 The chefs board the USS Sequoia to plan their menus... 9477036 ...but we all know that no treaty will be made there. 9477041 What a better place to battle it out than on a battleship? 9477046 Angelo can't wait to make love to the sexy sockeye salmon. 9477051 Angelo helps out Tamesha...but is he really helping? 9477056 Ed searches for the ingredient that will win the Cold War. 9477061 Tom likes what he's hearing from Tiffany. 9477066 Ed is worried that the judging will get personal. 9477071 The judges are shocked by the chef'testants' critiques. Previous Pause Next 1 of 20