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That Certain Je Ne Sais Quoi
India Hicks weighs in on Eddie Ross' elimination.
In the cutthroat world of interior design you need that "je ne sais quoi." The legendary Mrs.Lancaster of Colefax and Fowler would just walk into a house and utter such unforgettable lines as: "I want this room painted the color of elephants' breath" -- now I am not suggesting that our remaining designers needed to emulate such an oddity but it does help to add a little "mad" to the very good. Nathan holds an evident flair for theatrical design, yes a little off this week but still we must recognize his capability to be stylish and individual, Ondine presented a room of perfectly-judged drama, and Preston honed his ability for perfectionism.
Now I know that as a host, I am to remain impartial and as I said last week we judge on the merit of the room and not the character of the designer who created it. During filming that is exactly what we did -- we had no option since we had no inkling of what was going on behind the scenes. We judged on the designers work with the utmost of fairness. Only now am I seeing what did go on behind the scenes. Everyone was exhausted by this stage, crew and contestants alike. I gave up breast-feeding due to un-Godly call times (possibly making me the only presenter on national television to have a breast reduction whilst filming?) But you still maintain your manners.
Did Preston really not fit in because he was from LA and Eddie, Nathan, and Ondine were from NY? Kelly wears crazy hats -- does that mean she can't be in our group, or because I am English we can't play together? Who cares if some one is white, black or purple, who cares if they are from LA or New York. If we have to judge then judge a person on their morals, honesty and integrity, not the city they are from. Our world would be a much better place if we were all a little more tolerant of one another. Eddie you are a very able designer. Please be a little more open-minded. And so now, with only three designers left in the race, which individual will be able to keep their head high while all around are losing theirs...?
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