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Where is the Below Deck Season 5 Crew Now?

Find out what they've been up to since the season ended and who they're still in touch with today.

By Andrew Herrmann

Bravotv.com: What have you been up to since the season ended? What are you doing now?
Nico Scholly: After the charter season came to an end I had flown home to Chicago to spend some time with my family. As of right now I am taking some time off from yachting. However, I am currently studying to get my captain’s license in order to charter out my own boat in Chicago next spring.
Bravotv.com: Which crew members are you still in touch with?
NS: It's pretty typical after working together so closely that most people stay cordial, but aren't necessarily on a day-to-day FaceTime call. Yet again, some people you might see and quickly hide your face. After the season ended I've seen most crew members around periodically. Although out of everyone, Chef Matt and I have created a very close friendship. We talk frequently and he's flown to Chicago to hang out with me.

How to Watch

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Bravotv.com: What have you been up to since the season ended? What are you doing now?
Bruno Duarte: Since the season ended I decided to invest the money and create my online fitness business, bruknowsfit.com. Right now I’m building the business and also enjoying a little time off while I do it.
Bravotv.com: Which crew members are you still in touch with?
BD: Pretty much everyone except Kate and Jen. The rest I talk to sometimes.

Bravotv.com: What have you been up to since the season ended? What are you doing now?
Baker Manning: Right after the season ended I spent three months in Canggu, Bali maxin’, relaxin’, and spending all my hard earned money. Now I'm getting ready to launch my new guide The Yacht Job Handbook, which helps jumpstart the careers of aspiring yacht crew by equipping them with the tools and resources to land their first job in the yachting industry.
Bravotv.com: Which crew members are you still in touch with?
BM: I’m still in touch with everyone on social media, and I’ve hung out with Bri, EJ, Nico, and Matt a few times since we ended the season.

Bravotv.com: What have you been up to since the season ended? What are you doing now?
Matt Burns: I started my own catering business doing events across the US and my hometown of Ottawa Ontario. The popularity of the show has been great for business!
Bravotv.com: Which crew members are you still in touch with?
MB: Nico and Baker. I talk to Nico on the daily!

Bravotv.com: What have you been up to since the season ended? What are you doing now?
Kyle Dixon: Since filming I have been working in the Arctic Circle and developing my seafaring skills further. I am now looking at taking on a higher rank in either yachting or cargo. Hopefully you'll see me again soon, depending whether the Captain gives me a call, haha!
Bravotv.com: Which crew members are you still in touch with?
KD: I try and stay in contact with everyone, but as I'm always on the go it's hard. I wish them all the best with future endeavors, and who knows maybe I'll see them soon enough.

Bravotv.com: What have you been up to since the season ended? What are you doing now?
Kate Chastain: When I'm not working as a chief stewardess on yachts, I spend my time helping out at a local non-profit called Genesis House in Melbourne, FL. Genesis House is a collection of three charming, historic homes that collectively serve as emergency and transitional shelter for women and children in need. During their stay at Genesis House, residents receive not only a safe place but are also provided with the appropriate counseling and resources to continue their education and work towards self-sufficiency. It's a really nice balance for me as on yachts everything is about gratuitous excess, and then at Genesis House it's all about grateful appreciation. The most exciting part is that in September I found a way to combine my dream of running a vintage store with my favorite non-profit's mission by opening Genesis Boutique, an upscale thrift and consignment store where all proceeds go to Genesis House. It has been A LOT of work, but so much fun! Everyday new items are brought in and the store volunteers and I have a blast going through everything. And despite the fact that I have been completely winging it the entire time, I'm thrilled to report that Genesis Boutique has seen consistent growth and sales since opening, and I even get to take my dog to work! Also in September, my Bravo podcast "After Deck with Kate Chastain" launched and it's been great to chat about this season on Valor with different guests each week. Between the new store and the new podcast both starting in the last three months, going away for six weeks of a charter season on a yacht almost seems like a vacation....depending on who the crew is.
Bravotv.com: Which crew members are you still in touch with?
KC: Of course I'm in contact with Captain Lee quite regularly; in fact I probably talk to him more often than most of my immediate family. Actually, I keep in touch with pretty much the entire crew from this season of Valor. I text with Jen a lot and also Nico; just funny things here and there when we're thinking of each other. My brother is getting married in Charleston later this month, so Baker and I have planned to meet up while I'm in her hometown. Chris Brown sent me a really darling gift when I opened Genesis Boutique, which was so sweet and thoughtful. Chef Matt is now working on a yacht just a couple hours south of where I live, so I look forward to meeting up with him next time I'm in the area. So yes, I keep in touch with everyone, I even heard from Bruno right after we left Valor. He sent me a super sweet Facebook message saying how cool he actually thought I was, followed by him asking if I could get him a job with any of my hospitality contacts in Miami.

Bravotv.com: What have you been up to since the season ended? What are you doing now?
Brianna Adekeye: After the season ended I joined friends on a sail boat and sailed around the Caribbean for a month. I then stopped in Puerto Rico before going back home to LA. Picked my life back up in LA, than ran off to Nicaragua shorty after for more adventures. Overall, I traveled quite a bit and continued my life in LA.
Bravotv.com: Which crew members are you still in touch with?
BA: I talk to mostly everyone here and there, just to check in. I would say the person I am in most contact with would be Baker. I hosted Baker for a few days in LA – we explored LA and had a great time.

Bravotv.com: What have you been up to since the season ended? What are you doing now?
Jennifer Howell: After the season ended I enjoyed some much needed mother-daughter time with my baby in Disney World, took a minute to adjust back to land life as a single working mother, celebrated ranking second in the state of Florida for my real estate sales, and moved back to the beach (just two miles down the road, LOL). Now I am furthering my education in yachting a bit by enrolling in a course or two, still selling real estate, and just enjoying being a mother to my sweet Isabella.
Bravotv.com: Which crew members are you still in touch with?
JH: I'm still in touch with Nico and Kate mostly, Matt and I enjoy a random phone call every now and then, and I find myself showing Baker lots of love on social media.

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