Anna Wintour and Amy Schumer Just Swapped Lives
This is basically the video of our dreams.

Vogue posted a video that features Amy Schumer swapping lives with Anna Wintour, and it's basically everything we ever dreamed of. Drop everything you're doing—unless it's, like, planning the September issue—and watch these three minutes and 34 second of glory.
Vogue posted a video that features Amy Schumer swapping lives with Anna Wintour, and it's basically everything we ever dreamed of. Drop everything you're doing—unless it's, like, planning the September issue—and watch these three minutes and 34 seconds of glory, above.
Anna rocking those shades in a dark comedy club. Amy's bib-tucking technique. It's all just too, too good.The video comes on the heels of the announcement that Amy will cover Vogue's July issue.
Will Anna Wintour crack any jokes in the editor's letter? We'll have to wait and see.
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