5 Cold-Shoulder Sweaters We Can Get On Board With
We’re learning to like this trend and you should, too.
I have a confession to make—I don’t really get this whole “cold-shoulder” trend. Why are we cutting holes out for our shoulders, but leaving the sleeves? This is bizarre to me, but I just might be the only one on the planet who feels this way, because cold shoulders are EVERYWHERE. Every major designer is getting on board with the trend, and one only has to step foot in your local shopping mall to see that tweens and septuagenarians alike are baring their shoulders.
Which is great. Fashion is supposed to be fun and make you feel good, so if cold shoulders does just that for y’all, I’m going to get with the picture and learn to embrace this trend. But, um, baby steps, okay? So here I’ve found five cozy sweaters with dainty shoulder cutouts that I can get on board with, and you should too, because…fashion. Duh.