Kim Kardashian West is Embroiled in a Beauty Scandal That Just Keeps Escalating
Grab your popcorn—and your contour sponge.

It’s no secret that the Kar-Jenners have had their fair share of controversy within the beauty world, but Kim Kardashian West’s latest beauty feud may be the most explosive yet.
In case you haven't been watching the drama continuously unfold on Twitter, I’ll briefly catch you up. The feud all began earlier this week with the launch of KKW Beauty’s new powder contour and highlight palette. West swatched shades of her new product on social media, which controversial beauty influencer Jeffree Star then threw some serious shade at. For those who are not familar with Jeffree Star, he is a popular beauty blogger with over 5 million followers on Instagram, and has a namesake Internet-loved cosmetics line. Below behold the tweet that launched this major beauty scandal.
Of course, after this tweet West fans quickly came to her defense, dragging Star on social media. Now, for a bit more backstory, this is not the first time Star has been involved in beauty drama. Star also had a widely public falling out with former friend and beauty guru Kat Von D, which also led to to fans digging up racist remarks that Star has made in the past.
Star has since apologized for his racist remarks, which West brought up when she came to Star’s defense recently on Snapchat. "I get it's a serious deal if you say racial things, but I do believe in people changing, and people that apologize, I will give them the benefit of the doubt," she said in Star's defense.
Soon after West posted this, fans turned on her, and were upset that the reality star would defend Star.
Wait, there’s more. In light of the backlash, West returned to Snapchat to apologize to fans for defending Star. “I’m not going against my fans in any way. I just was saying, let's get the negativity off my timeline,” she said. Still following along? Good, because there’s more.
Most recently, Star jumped back into the circle of drama to add his two cents in after West apologized for defending him. Star took to Twitter, on a full blown rant sharing that there “are more important things to worry about.”
Eeesh, hopefully this beauty drama soon comes to an end.