The Royal Family Isn't Allowed to Eat This One Type of Food When Traveling (It's Banned!)
And the reason is pretty logical.
You'd think that being a royal meant that you could do pretty much anything you want, especially when it comes to food. Truffles, champagne, caviar—the sky's the limit, right?
Not so fast. First of all, it turns out the Queen isn't so willing to splurge on truffles. And secondly, there's one type of food none of the royal family is allowed to touch when they're traveling: shellfish, due to the risk of food poisoning. They also steer clear of meat cooked rare (sound familiar?) and tap water, also to avoid stomach problems when they're out and about.
The Queen also avoids foods that are "too spicy or exotic," according to BBC News. But when traveling, she likes to stick to certain British routines, including a breakfast of toast, oatcakes, and orange marmalade. And she's a stickler for her afternoon tea, taken daily at 5 p.m., which features a selection of teas and a thoroughly British Dundee cake.
While we'd miss the shellfish (no oysters on the half shell or shrimp cocktail?), a daily tea-and-cake break sounds pretty good to us. Guess being a royal has its perks after all.