Jessica on Lindsay: "I Know I Made the Right Decision"
Jessica explains why she didn't want to work with Lindsay.
I was so nervous for my dad to come in town. I’ve always questioned if he supports my career, or even if he understands what it is I do. I feel like he thinks I’m a hostess in a restaurant or something like that (nothing wrong with that by the way; just not what I do). I know he’s disappointed I don’t work for a Fortune 500 corporate team, but I hope he understands I’m just trying to find my own success, just like he did. He really does give the best advice, and always tells me what I need to hear even when I don’t want to hear it. Making him proud has always been priority one for me, being an independent woman who can support myself is the best way to pay homage to all he has taught me.
My streak for being drama-less with the ladies has ended ya’ll! I want to elaborate on the Lindsay/cocktail situation. I had asked her to bring me a proposal of what her company could do. It wasn’t about the budget. Have you heard of the Mortons, aka my bosses? Yeah, the word "budget" does not exist in their vocabulary.
It’s my job to pitch them why we need to bring in a certain program, and it's her job to pitch me how she can better my bar program. She showed up empty-handed for two meetings, and it seemed like she pulled a number right out of her ass. Where does 5K come from? Is that her rent or something? Honestly, I was prepared to spend more, but only if I knew what I was getting. I have taken so many meetings with chefs and private contractors who submit proposals on what is provided.
“If we’re going to do business, let's do business.” WHAT BUSINESS? I don’t really get what her company does. Where is the pitch deck? Where is the price sheet? Does she come up with the drinks? If they don’t sell, is it another 5K to re-do the menu? Does she train, etc.? She asks me a lot of questions in the second meeting that she should have asked me long before our second face-to-face meeting. Showing up twice empty-handed is ridiculous.
Quote me a price, but know what that price stands for. Back out your costs and show me what I’m getting. What’s my ROI (return on investment)? All in all, the red flags were there long before, and after watching her mock my gifts, call me names, and talk about me behind my back and in front of my face, I know I made the right decision.
Cut to Pink Taco dinner. Yeah, I craft. I love it. Making accessories for table settings is so much fun! How rude, right in front of me, to talk crap about that. You know I am the type of person that addresses confrontation dead-on in the moment, and the last thing I wanted to do was have another “meeting” to discuss working together, so, yes, I told Lindsay outright the deal wasn’t going to work out. She of course knew this by now, because she never got ANY information over to me to follow up. I don’t think it was me getting emotional; I think I was nipping it in the bud, so I would never have to talk to her again. She was mad I let our girlfriends know what she was going to charge me? It’s published all over her websites and social media! It’s no “secret.” She’s ill-prepared and bad at business, and I stand by that. Harsh much? Maybe.The fate of my life really did hang in that e-mail. That was one of the craziest things I have ever experienced. Sitting there with Kat when she got an e-mail from a PR team I brought in to the company, pitching a guy with my job title. The only thing I was feeling was sheer shock. Stay tuned next week for that drama to blow up. It gets crazier. And I can’t wait to blog about it.
Let's end this post on an awkward note! Holy cow, I knew I was awkward… but really? Turns out it takes watching yourself go on a date on national television to realize why you’re still single. I am so lame and boring! Officially hold title for worst dater ever. Note to self: rambling is not sexy. Shoptalk is boring if you’re not in the restaurant industry. Side note, how hot is Edward? AHHH, I am blushing just watching this episode! Dating sucks. I feel like I am the perfect candidate for pre-arranged marriage. I don’t like not knowing how much someone likes me. There’s no equation to figure out the end game on this one, and it’s driving me craaazy!