Big Stinkys are not Always in Bottles
Jenni gives us some rhyming couplets concerning Stacey's dislike of her.
Zoila's lovely, new gift face is frowning.
Jeff is in her closet focusing on her underwear.
What is wrong with that picture?
Out of the mouths of babes
Lucy pulled no punches with "Ask Jeff to leave"
My Mom lived through last week's Vegas pole dancing, but I know I have pushed it over the edge saying "blow job"
Even if I was doing a pretty good imitation and quoting someone who makes no bones about hating me.
Stacey rearranging my scarf to look like a noose was not subtle.
Gage is coaching Jeff to see things differently.
Sarah leaves the team and we will miss that face, her smile is something we cannot replace.
I ate another poop sandwich.
I don't like you on a plane
I don't like you on a train
I don't like you Jenni P.
Your voice sounds like that mouse, Mickey
It's a beautiful day at Jeff Lewis' office.