Jeff Wants to be a Paint Star
Jenni admits that she and Jeff are addicted to scratch offs.
Finding a Randy replacement
Casey struts her newly repaired stuff
Jeff deals with Randy's final invoice
Randy and Jeff's divorce gets nasty with Randy using words like "lien"
Jeff's dad comes to the rescue with advice
We "stage" new contractor photos for happy clients and swift payment
Speedy Roberto is in the contractor's seat now ... and the clients say, "Wow!"
Paint lines are gold mines Jeff says
Gage found paint that has texture
Betting on paint to create a financial future
With that in mind Gage is talking parenthood
Jeff's dad is consulted -- to paint biz or not to paint biz, that is the question
I put brush in hand and we watch paint dry at our lovely client Jeanne's house
The colors are beautiful but when they dry... back to the drawing board
Being a paint star might be a lot of work
Jeff cannot be trusted with a hose...there is a rear view
I get hazardous work dirty and need a hose...front view only
New faces in the office and in the car
I often scratch for cash with Jeff
The California lottery has new addicts
Jeff says if he wins he is not sharing and we are all fired
Who will roll up his sleeves?
Next week a curly-haired head is maybe on the chopping block