The Simple Life
Jett's not exactly envious of Sarah's job.
Welcome back to the craziness! Season 5 got off to a big start with a pretty entertaining first episode. While the most exciting thing that I did in this episode was wear a hat one day, there was more than enough of that trademark Jeff Lewis drama to go around. It looked like San Fran was a pretty tiring but exciting experience for the crew, complete with some serious you-know-what busting from a sponsor. It was hard to watch Jeff take it from the lady, but it's not like he's super nice to us when we make mistakes. I think Jeff really earned his fee at the speaking engagement too. Now I'm probably more comfortable performing in front of large groups than I am speaking one on one with someone, but you can really sense Jeff's anxiety going into it. All it took, however, was one mildly inappropriate joke for Jeff to get focussed and give those in attendance a great show.
Watching Sarah deal with contractor issues (under Jeff's highly scrutinizing eye) made me happy that I walk dogs and buy groceries for a living and not project manage. I think I could handle it if given the chance, but I certainly was not envious of Sarah's position while watching this episode. Sometimes it's comforting to know that the most stressful situation that I'm going to encounter in a given day is wondering if Oliver is going to throw up in my car on the way to his teeth cleaning appointment. Ah, the simple life of a house assistant.