Gage and the Gramercy Drama
Jenni weighs in on what went down while she's out on maternity leave.
I am MIA... You better watch the show anyway.
Jeff is on the phone with relative and realtor Carrie
Talking about photos and the open house realtor caravan.
For Sale: Gramercy is officially on the market.
Jeff says Gage hasn't talked to him for three days.
Not everyone is happy about moving.
Carrie does not think English Tudor is a hot sell description.
Jeff says mediterranean and let them be surprised when they get here.
His longtime clients the Shaws, Tommy and Jeanne, are moving to Nashville.
Jeanne wants Jeff to go to Nashville with her to find their new place.
At soon-to-be-sold Gramercy, Jeff likes to mix it up.
He is suggesting a two house purchase next.
Jeff would live in one and Gage and Zoila would live in the other.
Zolia says Gage might end up "in the refrigerator…in piece."
She makes it clear that two house idea would involve an ugly ending.
I'm glad I'm missed.
Zoila "2014" is now hot, hot, hot.
Andrew gets $300 cash for Jeff's cussing.
He is employee of the week.
Megan is beyond disappointed that Jeff is taking Andrew to Nashville.
Zoila to Andrew: "You are kiss ass."
Jeff is putting Megan in charge of the office while he is away.
Megan finds Zoila "2014" a little intimidating.
Gage has painters working at Gramercy the day before the open house.
Jeff tells them to leave and smells not just paint but sabotage.
Gage and Gramercy will not be easily separated
Nashville: Jeff and Jeanne plus Andy.
Two days to find and buy the Shaws a new home.
Jeanne likes the remodel challenge of the first house they see.
Jeff thinks it is a waste of time.
"Everything with Jeanne is a fight."
Yiiikes… Andy is not the best driver.
Jeff says, "Andy needs learning experience."Gramercy now has Megan in charge.
Zoila responds "What a bitch…shut up…Barbie Bitch…I'm not a slave."
It's a beautiful day at Jeff Lewis' office.
Megan's focus is to get everything ready for the open house.
Jeff's to do list needs to be followed.
Zoila's reply "Barbie Bitch" directed towards Megan becomes a chant.
In Nashville the California boys encounter chiggers (trombiculidae) for the first time.
Jeff likes a house and Jeanne is not impressed.
Gramercy now has realtors walking through.
Carrie thinks almost 80.
Gage unwillingly begins to face the reality of moving.
Jeff calls Gramercy to see the results of the open house.
Jeanne does not like his attention divided.
She reminds him loudly who's paying and further instructs him.
A homeowner in curlers running away from the door.
Jeff knows he is not in LA.
Megan is finding being in charge involves moving trash cans.
Zoila says about Jeff's work list: "I don't know where I put it."
Vanina is cooperating.
Megan tells Zoila and Maria "there's a new sheriff in town."In Nashville the houses are getting larger
The property Overton Lea has Jeff at the gate.
"It's a cool house…I like it a lot."
Jeanne is impressed.
Two and a half million, and Jeff is now seeing improvements.
An entirely new kitchen is Jeff's first vision.
Jeanne is firm about the "no" to that, and she's clearly not a fan of new cabinets.
The Lipstick Lounge and dirty bingo become a night for the group to unwind.
The next day Jeanne decides to buy the estate Overton Lea
Jeff has won a battle -- she wants to redo the kitchen.
Encouraged, he is talking furniture and Jeanne is talking "off switch."Returning home inspired, Jeff is actively looking for a new house.
The Lyric property gets a thumbs up from Jeff.
It's under a million, so he doesn't have to ask Gage.
Not so secretly Gage hopes the deal does not happen.
To lighten the tension Jeff wants to know Zoila's latest telenovela.
Vanina translates: "The Lady and the Construction Worker."
Bonnie the realtor gives Jeff potential buyer updates for Gramercy.
Two interested parties have dropped out.
Jeff is having second thoughts about selling Gramercy.
If Jeff gets 3.2 million, he will sell.
He now hopes to be able to flip and still live at Gramercy.
Gage cannot stop smiling.
I'm baaack!
Thank you for all the lovely messages and well wishes last week for Alianna and our family, it meant a lot to us. Always remember, there is no expiration date on miracles.