Gregg Is Ready to Do It All Again

Thank you to all our fans for allowing NeNe and I to share our journey with you. Our hope is that you witnessed something that can and will improve your marriage, your family, and your life.
Did i have a bachelor party? Let’s just say the guys and I had a great night of entertainment. In fact, some of my guys were in fun overload (as I’m sure you probably saw). Overall, my bachelor party was quite a success.
I am getting married!!!!!!
The wedding was soooo beautiful and my wife was breathtaking!!!! Her wedding gown was beyond words and the way it hugged her curves excited every bone in my body.
I was extremely happy to see the rewards of my efforts to blend our families and to be able to share a fun time with lots of love.
Who would ever think that as a bride on the day of your wedding you were out shopping for gowns for your family. Going from store to store? That just shows you the depth of my wife's love for people, especially those close to her. NeNe Leakes is jewel -- with so much love in her heart.
It's our wedding day and the hours seemed to just fly by. Emotions began to heighten and the realness of getting re-married, a second chance at love, hit me hard.
I'm ready though. I'm really ready to take my bride away. Finally it's time!!! I see the wedding party, all dressed to kill, baby, red bottomed down. My kids looking crisp and even Playa has on his tux. My heart begins to beat faster and faster. The doors open and it's wedding time. I am R-E-A-D-Y!!!
I walked down that aisle as a proud papa, with my five kids at my side. My only daughter was radiant and my sons were dapper. We all walk that aisle together. Did you hear me say -- we walked together? Life could not be any better for me right now.
As I watched the wedding party come down the aisle, I’m thought of fond memories of times with my wife NeNe from times past. I silently chuckled and took in the beauty of every member of our party. Gasner sang soo meaningful for the ceremony. Great, great job!
Now it's time. It's time for my bride to come on down and let's do the damn thing!
But, it seems to be taking some time, minutes, it seems like, go by. Oh god, please tell me she didn't change her mind? I signed the pre-nup already. What's taking so long? Oh baby please, please, come through that door!
Then the doors magically spring open and there it was. . .the most beautiful woman on this earth and she is on the way to me!
Kim Burrel floats her down the aisle with her singing. It's on and poppin!
NeNe looked sooooooooooooooo beautiful! The sight of her sent chills all over me! I was silently saying to myself, "Walk faster, walk faster." I saw my sons, standing beside their mother and I was caught up with emotion. When they reached me, I was fighting back tears of joy. I embraced my sons and thanked them as men, first with strong handshakes, followed by bear hugs. Brentt, our only child together, holds a special place in my hear. He is a product of the two of us and seeing him pulled the plug on me holding back my tears. I just could not hold back. Yes I cried, holding my son.
Judge Mathis is marrying us, and I sure hope he is not long winded or I’m going to have to tell him to skip some stuff. Lovingly, we take our vows, with renewed meaning and vigor. The choir sings the Lord’s Prayer and I'm infused with spirit and filled with grace and thankfulness.
OK, we're here. We are at the time of placing on rings. Fifteen karat for my bride. Nothing else would do. nothing. It's time to kiss and my lips are moist and ready. The kiss was fireworks!!!
I'm married now!!!!!
The reception was one-of-a-kind. We danced with Fantasia and my guys all recited poems written by me to my wife. They all fell on one knee, and I announced to my wife and the world, "I'll be the last man standing in her life.”
The night seems like a dream, but a dream come true! I got my wife back! I got my family back!
Thank you to the entire wedding party for accepting our invitation to share in our displaying our undying love to one another.
Mrs. Leakes, I love you!!!