Andrew vs. Tandrew
"....there will never be a legitimate excuse for spraying yourself orange or paying for skin cancer in a booth (especially on national television), or getting Britney Spears lyrics tattooed on your body..."
So after watching this episode I've decided to focus this week's blog on my relationship with Andrew "Tandrew" Serrano. Although we share a name and are both gay men in our 20's, our similarities pretty much stop there. While we couldn't really be more different in our appearance and general demeanor, the image of him in his SUPER-deep V-neck highlighter orange t-shirt radiating against the deep bronzy color of his skin, paired with white jeans nonetheless, still haunts me to this day, we still grew close to each other.
Now, lets get a few things straight: there will never be a legitimate excuse for spraying yourself orange or paying for skin cancer in a booth (especially on national television), or getting Britney Spears lyrics tattooed on your body, but putting these things aside, Tandrew is a great guy and is, at the very least, wildly entertaining in our office, especially as we tried to bring our heads together and get that damn printer working.
When the senior staff leaves for London, Skinner, Tandrew and I are pretty much left on our own in the office, feeling majorly understaffed and pretty lost. As Skinner wolfed down cookies, compliments of our generous clients at Nicholas K, and the bronzer ran down Tandrew's face, I took it upon myself to motivate the office to get up and out.
When we work - we work, but if I see an opportunity to get some playtime in, I pounce. Hope you guys enjoy the episode!