Message to the Crashers - Don't Mess with the Slayer!
"If you are a fashion fan and just want to try to get in if there happen to be some empty seats at a show, my advice is to..."
Recently I was asked by if I had any advice or thoughts I would like to share about Fashion Week, and I think the quote I gave them relates back very well to Episode 2 of Kell on Earth, as follows: "A lot of blood, sweat and tears go into producing a fashion show. Just remember that for most of us, Fashion Week is a BUSINESS -- NOT a party."
I have worked hundreds of doors for fashion weeks around the world and many have been extremely intense and made me want or NEED to scream. Indeed, I end up losing my voice almost every single fashion week season! At the Chado Ralph Rucci show front-of-house, I was stunned. Not only did we have a glitch in our computer system that caused us so many headaches -- but I was actually quite shocked when I realized that all of the people left in the lobby were just there to try to crash. What bothers me about crashers (i.e. those who are not invited and have no legitimate reason to be there) especially is that they have no regard for the people who are working on and organizing these shows. These people stand in line and walk up to our check-in tables with all sorts of ridiculous tactics - they are friends with the designer, they are best friends with Kelly (or Robyn or me), they are a buyer for such and such (but with no business card....) The one that drives me the most crazy is when they walk up and say somebody's name and they are clearly not that person. Thankfully I have been in this business for long enough to know what most of the important editors LOOK like - and I am most often the one who busts out the fakers and bans them. Occasionally they ARE legitimately coming for their boss, but in my opinion they should walk up and tell us the truth - that their boss asked them to come in their place. The fact that they think that as an assistant they can still have the priority seating of their boss just irks me. We meticulously go through the lists and ensure the right people are invited and we spend hours and hours working on the seating chart, so that everything runs as smoothly as it possibly can. But when you have a lobby full of people who are lying and trying to scam their way in - it just makes our job SO much more difficult!
If you are a fashion fan and just want to try to get in if there happen to be some empty seats at a show, my advice is to stand back until the lobby is clear of INVITED GUESTS and politely ask the PR people in charge if they have any space for a fashion fan or student. Trying to force your way in is just not cool and makes more problems for everybody.....Whew....LOL. So glad I got that rant off my shoulders! At the end of the day, the Chado Ralph Rucci show was incredibly beautiful. But I was indeed so relieved when it was over! It is never fun to get fired by a designer, but it happens and clients come and go.
Now, onto the intern situation. First of all, thank goodness Kelly was there to catch their antics! Although one of the interns, Tim (who's pretty much the joke of the office) tries to blame the incident on me ("Emily didn't...uh...") -- I was actually producing several fashion shows that season and I was sometimes not in the office as I was out for other site-visits, meetings and shows. Ultimately though, the problem on this one was - shocker - Stephanie Vorhees. The Account Executive is supposed to be managing the interns and directing projects, such as gifting or send-outs. It is pretty much common knowledge in the office that we send out gifts packaged properly, with labels and tissue paper and personal notes, etc. so this whole thing was just totally ridiculous. The last thing Kelly, Robyn or I should have to deal with is gift bags.
My favorite Stefanie Skinner moment is when she says she is "just trying to be a warrior" when she is in tears after the Genetic staffing incident. I just adore her. Poor Skinner- she just really kept getting pushed over the edge with frustration and I definitely do not blame her. When I told Stephanie V. to sit down - it was for her own protection! The Junior Wolf has sharp teeth...
Genetic Denim was going off without a hitch - until the model faints in the installation! It definitely comes in handy to have Kelly Cutrone on hand during a crisis -- it was great when she kicked out the firefighters AND went outside to ask them to cut off the emergency lights! The whole thing got resolved quickly and the presentation resumed. Another show down...
And lastly--- SHOUT-OUT to George Wayne for being awesome and hilarious!!!