When Toya's Realness Went Wrong
Toya explains her driving record, why she's a stay-at-home mom, and why she's disappointed in the Reunion.
As a child, I was raised in a very strict home. I was a little rebellious, which is why my parents kept a close eye on my behavior. I was taught early on by life examples to stay away from trouble makers, bullies, alcohol abuse, drugs and lastly, to always stand firm on the truth. Those life lessons helped me to get through thirty plus years and continue to be a foundation that I instill in my own children. I tell myself that I am not perfect, I will make mistakes, but I bet you won't catch me making those same mistakes twice.
I was very upset to be accused of driving under the influence. This was a very serious accusation, because this is something no one should ever do. And if by chance you find yourself in this situation, take it seriously and count it a grace of God that you or someone else was not hurt in the mist of your foolish actions. God forbid I place myself in a position where I'd have to leave my family or could possibly hurt someone else's. Driving under the influence is a terrible offense, which is why I am willing to be more than transparent about this issue. At the reunion I did present my driving record to Andy, but unfortunately that was not shown. I have no secrets. Therefore I was more than willing to discuss the matter.
I was a little disappointed with the reunion, because I really thought we were going to have a fair opportunity to discuss important issues that took place during the season, but instead individuals thought it was appropriate to play childish games in the mist of adult conversation. Individuals decided to use props to deflect the viewers attention whenever wrongdoings or silly accusations were being addressed. I find it very difficult to talk to an adult that acts like a child.
I realize EVERYONE has made mistakes this season, but not everyone has kept it real. I'm sorry to see that keeping it real and being honest does not go over well in the Reality TV arena or even sometimes in life. As Tom Cruise and Jack Nicholson stated in the movie A Few Good Men, “You want the truth?. . .You can’t handle the truth!” However, I stand firm on truth and honesty being Toya Bush-Harris’ way of life.
It would be silly for me to constantly focus on negativity. I am blessed with a supportive and loving family. Eugene and I have set some positive goals regarding NoMad MD and my nursery book series, which I have been working on. I have learned to focus more of my time feeding my soul with positive things; such as spending time with my children, romancing my husband, and keeping serenity within our household.
In conclusion, I am extremely proud to be a stay-at-home mom and I'm sorry some people choose to view this in a negative light. I have the opportunity to be hands on 24/7 in my children's education, volunteer within my community, and team with other moms to successfully raise our children. These early years are the most influential and I'm glad I have the opportunity to mold them. Anyone that hates or can't see the positive in that is obviously struggling with deeper issues. As you can see, being a full-time mother and wife does not mean you are not educated, capable of having a career, or that you are lazy. It simply means you are selfless and truly putting your aspirations second.
For more check out my website: ToyaBushHarris.com and my Twitter: tweet_toya.