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Jackie Is Speechless at the WEN
Dr. Jackie hopes that the ladies can find the right time and the right place to sit down and discuss their issues.
This Women Empowerment Network (WEN) conference was inspiring and uplifting. Lisa Nicole's words of empowerment and inspiration has set the tone to propel all of us ladies into greatness. I was super motivated and inspired my all the presentation especially Lisa's. I was especially happy to see the great turnout of women who looked hungry to create an even better situation for their lives. Who couldn't feel a bigger endorphin rush after all these great motivational speakers? Women were being uplifted, inspired, and educated by other women to become Women with Empowerment.
Lisa had even decided to put aside her own personal issues (delaying her breast aspiration/biopsy) so that her WEN conference could still take place to help other women.
Lisa even thought of creating a room called the "Tranquility" room to allow some calmness, peacefulness, and serenity to all the ladies registered. She had massages, manicures, make-up, hot tea, and coffee available to help us relax. Just in the name itself, it was very welcoming.
Well, unfortunately some of us didn't get the memo or maybe read the dictionary for the definition of "tranquility." This room was everything but tranquil.
Now just with the look on my face, I was certainly shocked at what took place in the "TRANQUILITY" room. I WAS SPEECHLESS AT THE WEN. We ladies have some unresolved issues -- but I never thought these issues would get resolved in Lisa's tranquility room. It seems as if all the healing wounds were re-opened, starting with the initial greetings in the conference room. This lovely positive atmosphere was no longer a positive, uplifting, calm ball of energy. Now there was certainly energy in the room, but it was more like a spontaneous combustion. Friends who are now former friends were hurling disrespect throughout the room. I was looking for the escape tunnel but couldn't find it or a shovel to dig a hole to crawl in. I am looking like "OMG, Calgon take me away!" What is this? I'm not sure my lemon squeeze would even help us.
The message of empowerment must have been missed by some of us. How can we stand and tear each down? I just wanted to say, "STOP, not now! Let's handle this later." Sometimes the most powerful thing one can say is NOTHING at all. Like I've said before, Silence is GOLDEN. Instead when we banter back and forth and give up our power and no one is actively listening to the other. Guess what, nothing gets resolved this way. I feel when you allow someone to change who you are and cause you to act disruptive you are giving up your power to them. I find it very unfortunate that despite all these encouraging presentations, we still find it suitable to confront a very tense topic at this wrong place and indeed at the wrong time. Lisa has spent a lot of money and I hope we don't ruin it for her.
Indeed there is a lot of hurt in the room and I sincerely hope at some point the ladies can come together at the right time and in the right place to sit down and discuss there shattered friendships. Perhaps we agree to actively listen to each other we can HEAR what the other is feeling. I pray if these friendships were genuine and unconditional that they can be repaired.