Josh Flagg Was Bluffing
Josh Altman doesn't want you to miss the real estate lessons you (and Josh Flagg) should learn from this week's episode.
Another episode in the bag....
What I love so much about this show is the fact that you can watch and learn about real estate in between all the drama and bling. On a similar note, looking forward to seeing if I can find a house for Roby's client.
There were two important messages this episode when it comes to closing deals in real estate.
One: Know how to manage your client. . .Every client is different and reacts in different ways to offers when selling their house. What you have to realize is that as an agent, you are the expert, not the homeowner. Every seller thinks their house is worth more than it really is because it's their own home that they love. If Josh F. knew how to approach his client in the right way, maybe the Benedict house wouldn't still be available today. Since this episode, my client has moved on and bought something else, which leads me to my next point.
Two: Bluffing in real estate can come back to work against you. In this business more than any, it's like playing a game of poker. There is a fine line between bluffing just enough or too much. Obviously too much can hurt a deal, which is what happened on Josh F.'s Benedict listing. Obviously there was never a $13.5M offer on this house. My client called the bluff and walked, and unfortunately Josh F.'s client is still trying to unload his house.
Speaking of poker. . .Every week I want to give a shout out to a great cause that needs everyone's help. This week I want to bring attention to an amazing organization called LUPUS LA. You can donate or buy tix for the 5th Annual Get Lucky for Lupus LA celeb poker tournament now at here! I am being honored at this event and it means a lot to me. Help me support #LupusLA!
If you every want to reach out to me, make sure to follow me on Instagram and Twitter: @thejoshaltman