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I Didn't Steal Ryan's Clients

Luis warns Ryan not to step on him and reflects on NYC's resilience after Hurricane Sandy.

By Luis D. Ortiz

What an intense episode this one is! Just like the city of New York, this episode is fast-paced with everything happening all at once. One day you make a deal, the next you're pitching yourself to a seller, and, in the middle of all that, a hurricane hits strong and your life just stops. In moments like this you realize what you have and who you have. Nothing else matters.

How to Watch

Catch up on Million Dollar Listing New York on Peacock or the Bravo App.

At Minetta Lane, I was able to make a deal at $3,750,000. Regardless of what happened, I needed to stay emotionally unattached in order to let my clients see that even at that price point they were still getting a great deal. Walking away at that point was not an option, even if I felt like it. This house was perfect for Adam and Louise and I needed to make sure they got it before someone else did. In the end, everyone was happy and that's all I care about.

New York City real estate is a very small and competitive industry as you have seen so far. Ryan, Fredrik, and myself mostly focus on downtown Manhattan so the chances of us bumping into each other is more likely than not. This episode is a great example of that. Yes, we pitch listings on the same buildings. In this case Ryan and I pitched two separate listings at 15 Broad Street, a Philippe Starck-designed luxury condominium in the heard of the Financial District. Although our listings are quite different, they are both within similar price ranges so it's obvious that Ryan would do his open house on the same date as mine to capitalize on the clients that I brought. He pretended not knowing who I was but, he does. It's all part of his plan. I'm going to be very clear, I DO NOT STEAL OTHER PEOPLES CLIENTS. However, if you try to step on me, I'll do some damage.

Pulling a Ryan on Ryan

When Hurricane Sandy landed in New York City, my life and everybody else's stopped completely. No power, no water, no food, no telephone, no internet, no business, no friends. Every man for himself. Thank god I have my brother with me at all times. I'm very fortunate. I'm a positive person so I tried my best to have fun during the hurricane, of course. I was happy that the only neighbor left in the building was an extremely beautiful Allison, who I had a great time with (Thank you for making my hurricane chapter a bit more interesting).  

For eight days the city of New York was paralyzed. It almost felt like it was not going to end, and, if it did, it felt as if the city was going to take forever to get back on it's feet. I did what I could to help. I bought coffee and food for the workers that were helping repairing the city. I needed to make sure they knew we all appreciate their help.

After Sandy, the market of downtown Manhattan changed. Buyers were skeptical of buying anywhere south of 14th Street and that affected my chances of selling my listing at 15 Broad. But like anything in life, you learn and move on to bigger and better.

Great episode!

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