Luis: It's Not About the Money

Luis: It's Not About the Money

Luis discusses how relationships can be more valueable than a sale -- and how he got teary-eyed during Ryan's proposal!

By Luis D. Ortiz

Every business relationship should start with bringing value to each other. That’s why the sale of 110 Congress, was to me, much more than just a sale of a property. Gerard is a big developer with whom for a long time I have been trying to establish a working relationship. I have been waiting for the right moment, the moment when I became valuable enough to introduce myself to him and to show him that I was much more than just an agent, but an asset to his future endeavors. His project, the Townhouses of Cobble Hill, was already 90% sold when I got my first meeting with him, so telling him that he should bring me in to sell the last project was not the best approach. (Since he had a team who already sold eight of them and did just fine without me). Now telling him that I could sell the last townhouse for much more than the rest would entice him to consider working with me…and it did! Now, my marketing approach was to do an event for the media -- but not just real estate media -- all media, including social media (art, food, fashion, history, food, music). I wanted them to come and explore the almost completed project in a neighborhood where prices per square foot were still low relative to the area, making my ambitious price the highest of the project but still attractive to those who would end up reading the media’s buzz about the neighborhood. worked!

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At the same time, on the same day all these bloggers and reporters wrote about how beautiful the neighborhood is, how amazing the restaurants are, how incredible the architecture and history is, and what a great a place it is to grow up in etc. which resulted in more interested buyers for the property. As a result Laura was happy, I got an offer and things were moving along. But of course like anything in life, nothing comes easy and Gerard had already accepted a full ask offer that he would not bring to a bidding war since he gave his word (which is very important to him and I respect him for that). I am getting paid regardless but like I said in the beginning: it wasn’t about the money. I wanted to prove myself to him and everybody else and it was about the relationship I created. (Who knows maybe the buyer came from the buzz that I created, ha!)

Now, I don’t know why it has taken me so long, but I finally realized that I do need a team. (Like Ronita has been telling me since day one). I always knew I needed that but I have a hard time trusting that others will represent me the same way I would myself when I’m not there. This episode you see that I finally went out and started interviewing people. I am very glad that I can finally admit that Ronita has made me see the light because delegating is the next step to expanding.

One last thing, I almost cried when Ryan proposed. So I have to admit that was very touching. Congratulations to you and I hope I get front row tickets to your wedding in Athens. All the best to both of you.

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