Top Dollar
Josh talks about making tough sells in MDL's third season premiere.
What a great show, and what a great cast! After a lot of hard work, my sale on Bedford paid off.
Fay and Omar were tough negotiators, but I knew they wanted the property and I knew I didn't have to give it away to them. The end result was I got my seller top dollar in a low market. When I represent someone, I represent them - I don't just try and sell the property. They hired me for a reason, to get them top dollar, and that is what I did, even though I had to be a little tough on the buyers.
I don't know who is better looking though - Fay, Omar, or Madison's sex-author client? Signing off.
Josh Flagg
PS - Everyone please check out my newly published book A Simple Girl: Stories my Grandmother Told Me. Not only will this book inspire you, but you won't be able to put it down AND it supports a wonderful charity The Jewish Federation. It is the rags to riches to story of a woman who survived the holocaust, came to the United States with $5 and started one of America;s great clothing lines, not to mention she also introduced Polyester to this country! Read it and love it! Visit
Check out my interview with The Wire here!
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