John's Brownie Disaster
Get the inside scoop on John's Valentine's Day surprise for Kathryn.
Describe what you each felt when you found out the pregnancy test results were positive.
John: The first reaction for me was, “Wow I have supersonic sperm.” I hear from all my friends how hard it is to get pregnant, and this was our first try and we nailed it. The second thing I was thinking was, “Wow I'm going to be a dad.” I really have no idea or was ever trained to be a dad. I usually ask a lot of questions from older, successful people on business. I never asked anyone how to be a dad or read any books. Everyone says it’s instincts. I hope I get it right!
Kathryn: I was in pure shock. I mean, I knew we were trying, but it had not even been a month! I honestly didn’t think the test results were going to be positive or I would have waited and took them with John. A friend of mine that I was having lunch with that day said I looked different, and by different she meant pregnant. I insisted that I just enjoyed myself a little too much on our honeymoon and I was gaining weight, but I was certainly NOT PREGNANT… But that night I went home and thought, “Could I be?” Maybe she did see soothing more than just a few extra honeymoon bliss pounds, so I took the test. I was in shock for the rest of the night, couldn’t sleep, couldn’t believe it, wanted to believe it, but no, pregnant? Not me. I had dreamed of this moment, but the reality was far different from how I thought I would feel…it was simply incredible!Kathryn, why did you get so upset with John’s sister when talking about the pregnancy?
Kathryn: Well first off, let me say this: she could have started the conversation by saying “Congrats, I’m so happy for you guys,” or, “Can’t believe you’re pregnant, way to go!” Any of those comments would have been fine with me. Instead she talks to me -- a pregnant, extremely hormonal sister-in-law -- about her friends having miscarriages and the possibility of the pregnancy test being false. She continued to go on and on about all the negative scary things that a pregnant woman doesn’t want to hear, so who wouldn’t get upset? I could have done without her Debbie Downer advice all together.
Did John really not know the proper way to measure half a cup?
John: I knew there was such a thing as a measuring cup. But, I was in the moment and I thought it was close enough.
John: The weight gain (and let’s not forget the bowel movements) did strain our sex life, but not our relationship. Actually I can’t explain this, but our relationship got better -- go figure. When your wife gains weight, I learned my lesson that you DO NOT SAY ANYTHING PERIOD! But of course I didn’t listen to my own advice at the time. I can’t hold anything in. I wish I could!
Kathryn: Yes, absolutely. I mean, we stopped being intimate right away. Even before I blew up, I think John was freaked out about getting close to me knowing our baby was growing inside me. As a woman who was newly married, I had fantasies of our first year together as being all about us, me his sexy new blushing bride and sex galore. What ended up happening was I felt gross, bloated, fat, and the last thing on my mind was getting close to John or being intimate in any way sexual. On the flip side, it helped us get closer emotionally. We really got to know one another and be there for one another in more ways than just sexually. We learned about each other and bonded in a very special way. It was not how I thought we would start our first year as husband and wife together, but in a way it was still nice, different but special just the same.Was John glad he approved the purchase of the Valentine’s Day outfit?
John: It really doesn’t matter to Kathryn whether I approve her purchase or not, she will buy it either way. I just like to know a head of time what the damages are before the credit card statement comes in. My advice to others is save your money before you get married and have a child. I had no idea how expensive it is.
How did the rest of the Valentine’s Day night turn out? Did the brownies give John food poisoning?
John: I should have used vegetable oil and a measuring cup. Who knew I would have had a terrible stomach ache after eating those brownies? Hands down the worst brownies I had ever eaten, but I made them out of love and I went to the rest room very nicely the next day.
Kathryn: I think the appetizers, dinner, and dessert at the steak house didn’t help his situation either. We went home feeling full and tired. I didn’t think our romantic night would end with me rubbing his belly, but it was definitely a first Valentine’s Day as hubby and wife to remember. Rubbing his tummy and telling him to feel better freaked me out a bit; I felt like his mommy not his wife. Needless to say I haven’t rubbed his tummy since.