Newlyweds Q&A: Gladney's on Why They Kept The Wedding On
With a shocking confession two days before the wedding, Erica and Adonis Gladney explain how love conquered all. Adonis Gladney, what were you thinking when Erica Gladney had left to stay at a hotel? What about when she returned? Where was your head at?
Adonis Gladney: When Erica left to stay at the hotel I was afraid that I had lost the love my life. I also questioned whether telling her the truth was the right thing to have done or not. However, when Erica returned I was very happy and it gave me hope that we may be able to work things out. Erica, were you glad he was honest with you before you walked down the aisle?
Erica Gladney: I was appreciative that he confessed to me before we walked down the aisle, but I definitely wasn’t happy. I felt he should have confessed months before our wedding so that we had time to figure everything out. Erica, why did you finally decide to keep the wedding on? Adonis - how did it feel to hear Erica say the marriage was still on?
EG: I decided to keep the wedding on for two reason: One, I didn’t have it in me to call my family and tell them it’s off when everyone was already starting to fly in. Two, I love Adonis and I knew that we would try to work it out regardless of if there was a wedding or not. I just decided to keep the wedding on and then deal with working everything out later on as Newlyweds.
AG: When Erica let me know that the wedding was back on, I was thrilled and relieved, I had been given a second chance and I just hoped that she would not change her mind on her decision. Tell us about the tension with Adonis' father and his partners surrounding the seating at the wedding.
EG: A table was reserved specifically for the bridal party so that they would have easy access to the microphone so that they could give a toast. Dwayne was supposed to sit at that table by himself during the toasting, but he allowed his women to sit there also. He was trying to make his polyamory center of attention. It worked because people kept asking who he and all the women were.
AG: Erica was very uncomfortable with my dad and his women sitting so close to our table. We had a slight argument about the situation. However, I was just happy that he and the rest of my family made it to the wedding.