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Edgy and Outdoorsy

LT discusses his "outdoors" ensemble and reveals that he grew up around horses.

The show starts out with us reviewing samples for the upcoming Rosie Pope Maternity line. Rosie needed to see the garments on a live person and asked me to step in and model one of the dresses. It just so happens that long ago, when I was a little kiki, I discovered that I could make my stomach simulate a baby bump. Yes, it's a bizarre skill. Plus we all know that I will never hesitate to model fashion! 

Unfortunately, I never got to meet Cindi, but I did get the chance to meet Nicole and her horse, Cosmo. Let's just say going to Pennsylvania for a client wasn't a problem, I just wasn't sure what to wear. Therefore, I decided to serve a leather ensemble that screamed edgy and outdoorsy.

I've always considered myself a professional, so when Nicole stripped down to her bare breasts, I chose not to look! Also, contrary to popular belief, this wasn't my first time being in the presence of boobies. I was breastfed as a child! Oh yeah, I even wrote a song about boobies:

'bOObies' -- THE KIKI TWINS ft. Amy Douglas: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dR_zidW_peg

Remixes available on iTunes: http://ax.itunes.apple.com/us/album/boobies/id379751605

Yes, I know, shameless promotion! 

Being on Nicole's farm brought back memories of growing up in Virginia. Yes, I have seen a few horses in my day. My neighbors and friends raised horses, although being the delicate flower that I am, I have never ridden a horse nor actually been so close to one. So, when Nicole asked me to hold Cosmo, I was hoping she was asking me if I wanted a cocktail. Alas no, she actually meant the horse! Let's just say I do not plan on serving with horses anytime soon!

Until next week follow me on Twitter @LTtheKIKI. Also "Like" THE KIKI TWINS at http://www.facebook.com/thekikitwins and follow @THEKIKITWINS on Twitter.

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