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Rosie explains why dealing with Mina was such a struggle.

By Rosie Pope

Watching this episode was particularly tough for me. I remember how hard it was to keep my cool with Mina, when inside my heart was breaking that the pregnancy Daron and I had longed for was in fact not viable. I was rushed into emergency surgery just before meeting Mina, took a day to try and get myself back together, and then was at Mina's house ready to work –- it is the best way I know how to deal with things. When she couldn't even be bothered to secure her changing table mat, it just pushed me over the edge and I lost my cool. I should have shown more restraint, but you can imagine that in my line of work it is incredibly difficult not to let the emotions get the better of you every now and then. At least I didn't throw the garment bag onesie out the window! What was driving me even battier in retrospect was that her husband, Herman, wasn't stepping up to the plate and bringing his wife back to reality. I find that even the most timid of individuals can get extremely brave and Papa or Mama Bearish when it comes to protecting or sticking up for their child, but I wasn't seeing this in either Mina or Herman. So let's face it, I lost it!  

At least Michelle and Gary were fighting over religion, because each wanted to make sure their daughter had the right start in life as opposed to just worrying that their biceps were too weak to carry a baby! As challenging as the religious discussion can be within a relationship, the discussion came out of love for their child and wanting to do the best for her. Part of the problem was that neither had taken much time to learn about the other's religion before jumping to conclusions about what the ceremonies actually meant, who could attend, and indeed what ceremonies could actually happen together (or at least on the same day). 

All in all, I have to say, I was pretty proud of the Rosie Pope team as we managed to get Mina and Herman into shape (even if they were dragged kicking and screaming through the preparation process) and (as if we were negotiating Second World War Peace talks) we got Michelle and Gary back on track to raising their child in a home with two religions, something many, many couples do successfully. But even after all this triumph the sadness of this episode has stayed with me. On the one hand I was incredibly distraught and sad that we may not be able to have another baby and on the other feeling guilty because I already had a son and many, many people don't even get to experience that.  It is so hard though when you are going through infertility to compare your story to another's as each is so different, but there is some common ground, which is that nobody should be denied the right to be able to have children if they are good people. But in life we all have our journies and adventures and by some somewhat sick twist of fate I ended up in the parenting and maternity business unable to have another child myself. However, at every difficult turn and at every joyous one I feel as though it makes me better at what I do. Understanding truly what so many go through and the importance of preparing to be an amazing parent as well as celebrating the journey and learning as you go, is what I am about after all.

Until next week! Shop Rosie Pope Maternity, MomPrep Classes, read my blog, take your own Mommy IQ Test and meet our experts at www.rosiepope.com. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter: @rosiepope www.facebook.com/rosiepope.

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