Erica: Wrong Time and Place
Erica reacts to Chanel and Casey's intervention.
“Our strength grows out of our weaknesses.” - Ralph Waldo Emerson
I really do not have a lot to say about this episode. First of all, I would never intentionally hurt Chanel and not be there for her that night her and Amanda were going out. I do suffer from Colitis and the fact that all the girls were saying I was hungover was a crock. If I am not feeling well I have every right to take care of myself. Yes, I had been away that weekend with Rob and maybe the travelling and eating different food triggered my stomach. Regardless it just felt like a lot of “Erica bashing” and demoralizing my character and calling me a liar.
Then deciding to have a lunch to talk openly about me behind my back? Seriously? That isn’t what looking out for a friend is. Casey made it clear we weren't friends and her discussing her concern is nice and all, but really not her place. Anyone of the girls could have made a phone call to me privately, and that would have been appropriate to start.
Joey said it pretty right-on. That it wasn't right. It was nice to have her have my back and recognize that.
Ashlee and I were just becoming close at the time, and I must say I do not like that she was talking about me at lunch, but she did agree it wasn't right to confront me like that, which I appreciate. But I must say when her and Casey were shoe shopping they shouldn't have been discussing me. It really felt like gossiping at that point.
Lastl,y I would like to say I was enjoying a very nice day with my parents and was about to have dinner with my mom when I had unexpected visitors. Even if Chanel and Casey were in the area they should have called and asked me if I was free to talk. I just felt very ambushed and taken off-guard.
I appreciate anyone who has concern for me and is looking out for me, but there is a time and a place. Also, Casey and I not being friends made it feel very uncomfortable to me.
It really hurt my feelings that they showed up uninvited like that. But I did hear what they said regardless of how they went about it and do believe that it came from a good place.
Over the past year, I have made many positive changes in my life. I have a great therapist and have worked out a lot of inner anxiety I was suffering from. I am in a much better place and always try to be the best person I can every new day.
“Don't walk behind me; I may not lead. Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend.” -Albert Camus
Thank you for reading!!!!
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