Mike: GG Should Have Come to Me
Mike Shouhed reacts to GG's rumor.
Bravotv.com: Has the transition to residential real estate been difficult?
Mike Shouhed: The transition into residential real estate has been very difficult, but very rewarding at the same time. I'm with an amazing firm that gives me the help I need. Last year was one of my biggest years yet.
Bravotv.com: Had you sensed that GG was being distant with you?
MS: No, I hadn't sensed GG being distant! We've always had this weird type of friendship. One day she loves me, the next day she is angry with me, so I never knew what I am going to get from her when. She's always been like a little sister to me, so there was always that sibling type rivalry.
Bravotv.com: What was going through your head watching GG tell people at Adam’s party that you tried to hook up with her in Turkey?
MS: Watching GG tell everyone about this story she made up really upset me. After so many years of friendship, she should have come to me instead of spreading these f---ed up rumors. She's upset about something, maybe it's the fact that I'm getting engaged, and she didn't know how to cope with it?