The Right Winner
Find out if Jaclyn Smith agreed with Dee's win.
What did you think of the finale?
This was an extremely difficult challenge to complete in such a short amount of time. I loved the stories behind each of the models. In this challenge they had the opportunity to go from one extreme to another and show a variation not only in style, but also color and cut.
Did the right person win?
Yes! Dee pulled out all the appropriate styles for each age and enhanced each of the model's looks. Her story could have been a mini-series!
What do you want to say to Dee?
From the very beginning, I thought you would make it to the end. There was always a calmness about how you handled each challenge. You were able to keep your wits about you in a time crunch or dealing with a client who put restraints on your vision. I loved your devotion to your mother. It showed your character and your ability to put others before yourself.
What do you want to say to Charlie?
I have no doubt you'll reach the top of your profession. Your ability to take us to a different time and place with each of your styles was unequaled. You truly captured so many iconic styles. I saw the inspiration behind them all.
What do you want to say to Nicole?
To know you is to love you. Not only are you a great stylist, but you're someone you would love to sit down and have a conversation with.